Please visit our website before completing an application as places are in high demand. Our focus is on preparing for a life beyond the School gates. (
Welcome to Barker College
A Barker education is shaped by our focus on preparing for a life beyond the School gates. For us, that’s a world where all people live, work and learn together. Coeducational schools affords students the opportunity to work and learn together, to be inclusive and respect diversity. We seek to expose our students to diverse opportunities and experiences, so that they are able to develop resilience and adaptability within a supportive environment. As we celebrate 50 years of coeducation at Barker in 2025, we aim to provide a well-rounded and balanced edcation for all our students.
Barker is a fully coed Anglican day and boarding school, 25 km north of Sydney.
No two days at Barker are ever the same. Students are constantly challenging themselves – and being challenged – as they grow, expand their minds and learn to think big, practically and independently.
From Pre-Kindergarten through to the Senior years, students are exposed to a range of diverse opportunities and experiences. Through this, they’re able to develop resilience and adaptability within a supportive environment. By celebrating the differences in every student, Barker is a place where every student belongs, is valued and loves to be.
Set on 50 acres, Barker offers outstanding facilities including Drama and lecture theatres; Music and Design Centres; dedicated Science building; Aquatic Centre, and several playing fields, including a purpose designed Sports and Learning Precinct featuring five court spaces, gym and exercise spaces, rooms for dance and general purpose teaching areas. The School has recently opened a Senior School Hub – this mass timber construction features 22 Maths classrooms, quiet study areas for Senior School students and a Dining Commons.
Co-Curricular Activities
The experience inside the classroom is only one part of a Barker education. Co-curricular activities deepen the school experience for all our students, and from the arts to the sporting field, students are encouraged to challenge themselves and uncover their talents.
For Pre-K to Year 6 students we offer a broad range of sporting, cultural and recreational co-curricular activities. Throughout Years 7 to 12, our students have even greater opportunities to pursue their passions. As well as Drama, Music, Cadets and over 20 different sports, Barker students can challenge themselves in the areas of robotics, debating and public speaking.
Our Secondary School students also take part in compulsory Outdoor Education Camps. In this unfamiliar environment, students connect with the natural world while building leadership and teamwork skills.
Boarding Information
Coeducational boarding is a unique experience offered to our senior students, starting in Year 10. By learning, growing and living together, students form bonds that will often last a lifetime.
Families can consider keeping their children closer to home until the end of Year 9 and then elect to enter boarding from the start of Year 10. Barker offers a number of programs that aim to support the boarders to find their role as citizens of the world. The programs have a focus on the development of life skills, personal resilience, mental fitness and encouraging students to develop their individual strengths.
There is an established and active pastoral care House structure for all students from Pre-K to Year 12. Students attend chapel once a week and Connect Groups twice a week. Good cross-school mentoring and supportive relationships are important for the wellbeing and sense of belonging of young people at Barker.
A Range of Opportunities
The experience inside the classroom is only one part of a Barker education. Co-curricular activities deepen the school experience for all our students, and from the arts to the sporting field, students are encouraged to challenge themselves and uncover their talents.
For Pre-K to Year 6 students we offer a broad range of sporting, cultural and recreational co-curricular activities. Throughout years 7 to 12, our students have even greater opportunities to pursue their passions. As well as Drama, Music, Cadets and over 20 different sports, Barker students can challenge themselves in the areas of robotics, debating and public speaking.
Our Secondary School students also take part in compulsory Outdoor Education Camps. In this unfamiliar environment, students connect with the natural world while building leadership and teamwork skills.
Boarding at Barker
Barker Boarding dates back to Day one, where The Reverend Henry Plume established a small, Christian living environment, to help students achieve their best.
Today, boarding at Barker College is a unique experience for Senior students only and with a maximum student population of 60, it is a tight-knit community.
The Barker experience attracts boarders from the suburbs of Sydney through to country regions of NSW and beyond. The coeducational environment and small boarder numbers allow for the development of close peer relationships, whilst also providing accessible academic and personal mentoring opportunities.
Families can consider keeping their children closer to home until the end of Year 9 and then elect to enter boarding from the start of Year 10. During the Senior years, the boarding environment has proven to be of benefit to many students as they focus on their academic program whilst maintaining a busy but balanced life. The necessity to develop independent-living skills and resilience is supported by strong Pastoral Care networks and programs.
Tour our School
We invite you to join us on a tour of the School. Regular tours of Barker are run throughout each School term. Barker does not have an Open Day, as we prefer to show you around the School on a normal working day. To book a tour call (02) 8438 7207 or visit
Barker College is located at the junction of the North Shore and Central Coast railway lines, and just at the start of the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway. The School operates several private bus services from the Northern Beaches, Terrey Hills, St Ives, Lower North Shore, Arcadia, Northbridge, Balgowlah and Narrabeen.
Barker offers a number of Scholarships including Academic, Co-curricular, Boarding and Music Scholarships to students entering Year 7 and boarding in Year 10. In addition to the Scholarship Examination, the School uses school reports, NAPLAN results, questionnaires and other criteria in its decision regarding the awarding of scholarships. Apply for Scholarships online at
View our latest HSC Results for 2024 here
Barker College elebrate 50 Years of Coeducation
In 2025 we celebrate 50 years since the introduction of Barker's coeducational Senior School with a culmination of events including a Jubilee Concert, commemorative weekend of sport and cocktail party, bringing many of our Alumni and current families together.
Coeducation is not new for us. Girls commenced in the Senior School in 1975 and Barker began its transition to full coeducation in 2019 in the Junior School and 2020 in the Secondary School, becoming fully coeducational by 2022. At Barker we seek to expose our students to diverse opportunities and experiences, so that they can develop resilience and adaptability within a supportive environment.
More than 80% of the world's great schools are coeducational. The world has shifted. The world of work, the world of education, the world of employment and the world of leadership has shifted considerably in the 21st century. We have a beautiful heritage at Barker, and we are preparing our students for a future that will be far less defined by gender roles than in the past.
The most important task for Barker is to provide a well-rounded and balanced education for all our students. We are excited about the future of education at Barker and the invaluable opportunities coeducation will provide us to fulfil our vision of being a leader in Christian education that inspires global hope.
A Barker education is shaped by our focus on preparing for a life beyond the school gates. We seek to expose
our students to diverse opportunities and experiences, so that they are able to develop resilience and adaptability
within a supportive environment.
There are two distinct differences at Barker College. One is that it’s a school that deliberately and intentionally allows
people to thrive in a holistic sense – emotionally, physiologically, physically, academically.
The second thing is that we have a firm coeducational identity and a firm expression of that. It’s a view that
everybody can find a place and thrive irrespective of interests, skillset or capacity and be committed to doing
that in a way that brings young men and young women together for the proper expression of human interaction and identity.
We have a beautiful heritage at Barker, yet we are preparing students for a future that will be far less defined by gender roles than in the past.
The Christian heritage of Barker is the inspiration for our values and purpose. We draw on the rich narrative of the life
of Jesus yet welcome all traditions into our diverse community.
This is an exciting time to be considering a Barker education for your child. The School’s culture is inclusive, innovative and full of hope for the future. We are very excited about the years that lie ahead and extend a warm invitation to you to come and visit us so that we may show you what Barker has to offer your child.
Phillip Heath AM
BA (Hons), MA (Hons), DipEd, FACE, FACEL
Barker is now a fully coeducational school from Pre-K to Year 12. Enrolments open for girls in Pre-K, Kindergarten, Year 3 and in Year 7. Please visit our website or call our Enrolments team on (02) 8438 7207 for more information.
(as voted by site visitors)
Barker College - Hornsby NSW