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Wheatbelt Region Private Schools

Find private schools in the Wheatbelt and surrounding regions of WA

This list contains 9 results

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Brighton Catholic Primary School
Town or Suburb Butler
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-6
Student Enrolments 455
Edmund Rice College (formerly Catholic Agricultural College)
Town or Suburb Bindoon
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels 7-12
Irene McCormack Catholic College
Town or Suburb Butler
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 8-12
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Town or Suburb Goomalling
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels R-6
St Joseph's School
Town or Suburb Moora
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels R-6
St Joseph's School
Town or Suburb Northam
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-10
St Mary's School
Town or Suburb Merredin
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels R-6
St Matthew's School
Town or Suburb Narrogin
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels R-6
Woodthorpe School - Cunderdin
Town or Suburb Cunderdin
Religion Exclusive Brethren Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 7 - 12

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