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Schools Guide offers a range of options for businesses to advertise. 

Magazine Advertising for Business

Magazine advertisingschools guide website advertising  Magazine advertisement plus Platinum Web Feature - Advertising in the Schools Guide Magazine and receive a free Platinum Business feature page on this website.

Website Advertising for Business

Option 1 -  schools guide website advertising Platinum Feature Page for Business $880 per year (click here to sign up)

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Popular Packages for Schools


Magazine advertising+ schools guide website advertisingSchools Guide Events Calendar Magazine advertisement plus Platinum Web Feature + unlimited access to add Events and Open Days for 12 months plus free magazine editorial space (equal to the size of your advertisement space)

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2. schools guide website advertising + Schools Guide Events Calendar Platinum Web Feature $990 per year + unlimited access to add Events and Open Days for 12 months

3. Schools Guide Events CalendarEvents Calendar
Promote your next Open Day. Unlimited exposure until the day of your event



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