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helpdeskFind information on all NT private schools here.  The Northern Territory has around 50 non-government schools. This list contains all private and independent primary schools and secondary schools in N.T. All schools listed here are co-educational and there are 6 boarding schools.

This list contains 49 results

Search criteria

The Essington School
Town or Suburb Rapid Creek
Religion Non-denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Preschool - Year 12
Crest/ Logo
Haileybury Rendall School
Haileybury Rendall School (Darwin)
Town or Suburb Berrimah
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels ELC - Year 12
BoardingBoarding Available
Crest/ Logo
Sattler Christian College
Town or Suburb Bees creek
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels ELC - Year 10
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Student Enrolments 150
Catholic Education Northern Territory, Doicese of Darwin
Town or Suburb Berrimah
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Palmerston Christian School, Palmerston N.T
Town or Suburb Palmerston
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels T-Year 9
Student Enrolments 240+
Nhulunbuy Christian School, Nhulunbuy NT
Town or Suburb Nhulunbuy
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Primary & Middle School
Marrara Christian College, Marrara
Town or Suburb Marrara
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre School - Year 12
Araluen Christian School - Alice Springs NT
Town or Suburb Alice Springs
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Transition - 9
NT Christian Schools Association
Town or Suburb Berrimah
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Town or Suburb Howard Springs
Religion Lutheran
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels T-12
Student Enrolments 1,150
St Pauls School, Nightcliff NT
Town or Suburb DARWIN
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Transition to Yr 7
Student Enrolments 156
Alice Springs Steiner School - Alice Springs NT
Town or Suburb Alice Springs
Religion Steiner (Non Denominational)
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-Year 7
Charles Darwin University, Casuarina
Town or Suburb Casuarina
Religion Non-denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels University
Darwin Adventist School, Casuarina NT
Town or Suburb Malak
Religion Seventh Day Adventist
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 1 - 7
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Town or Suburb Karama
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels ELC to Year 6
Holy Spirit Catholic School
Town or Suburb Casuarina
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Transition - 6
Holy Spirit Primary School
Town or Suburb Wanguri
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels ELC-6
Holy Spirit School, Casuarina NT
Town or Suburb Wanguri
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Transition - Year 6
Litchfield Christian School, Humpty Doo NT
Town or Suburb Humpty Doo
Religion non-denominational Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Primary
Living Waters Lutheran School, Alice Springs
Town or Suburb ALICE SPRINGS
Religion Lutheran
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels T to Yr 6
Student Enrolments 370
Ltyentye Apurte Community Education Centre, Santa Teresa NT
Town or Suburb Santa Teresa
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Preschool - Jnr Secondary
MacKillop Catholic College, Palmerston
Town or Suburb Johnston
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 7 - Year 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Milkwood Steiner School, Darwin NT
Town or Suburb Berrimah
Religion Non-denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre School - Class 6
Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic School, Nguiu
Town or Suburb Nguiu
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre School - year 6
Northern Territory Christian College, Marrara
Town or Suburb MARRARA
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 11 - Year 12
Nyangatjatjara College, Yulara NT
Town or Suburb Yulara
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Indigenous Secondary College
O’Loughlin Catholic College
Town or Suburb Karama
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Years 7-12
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thamarurr
Town or Suburb Port Keats
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre School - Year 12
Student Enrolments 743
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Bath Street Campus
Town or Suburb Alice Springs
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Transition - Year 4
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Treager Campus
Town or Suburb Alice Springs
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 5-8

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