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Inaburra School, Bangor NSW

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Inaburra School
A co-educational, K-12, independent school in southern Sydney. Standing upon its Christian foundation and in partnership with its families, Inaburra seeks to shape life-long learners who are resourceful, creative, confident and discerning.
75-85 Billa Road
Sydney South
02 9543 2533
Nestled in the leafy suburb of Bangor in the Sutherland Shire.

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Inaburra exists to be a Christ-centred learning community pursuing excellence in education with every individual known and loved.

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Dr James Pietsch
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Single School Location
  • Independent
  • Christian
K - Year 12
$12,840p.a. - $21,622p.a.
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Digital Technologies
  • Educational Support
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Media & Film Studies
  • Music
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Sport
  • Visual Art
  • Welfare
  • Chinese
  • Indonesian
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Alpine Sports
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Hockey (field)
  • Netball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball

The formal curriculum at Inaburra follows the syllabi of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), which culminates in the award of the HSC at the end of Year 12. Inaburra has a strong tradition of academic excellence with the vast majority of students completing Year 12 and earning a HSC and an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank.
Students have a varied program of learning in Years 7 and 8, where the following subjects are offered: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Biblical Studies, Chinese (Mandarin), PDHPE, Information Technology, Technology subjects (covering food, wood, metal, design), Music and Visual Arts.
In Years 9 and 10 all students in NSW study the following mandatory subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Australian Geography Civics and Citizenship, Australian History Civics and Citizenship, Physical Development, Health and Physical Education, Computer Skills and Biblical Studies. These years provide the opportunity for students to choose from a wide range of elective subjects. For their HSC, students select a minimum of 12 units of study in Year 11, and a minimum of 10 units in Year 12.
Inaburra has long recognised that in order to produce students equipped for 21st century jobs, the school’s built environment needs to be flexible. The school has already begun the transition to more collaborative learning spaces designed for team teaching and flexible student groupings in the Senior campus. The newly opened world-class Stage 3 Learning Centre (for Years 5 and 6) continues this trend at Inaburra, placing emphasis on flexibility in structures and furniture to provide for changes in grouping mechanisms, technology use, and learning styles, where virtual conferencing, online learning and collaborative projects can easily take place. The Senior School Learning Commons is also newly completed, and is hugely popular for in-school and after-school study. Other features include a state-of-the-art 650-seat Performing Arts Centre, a digital TV Editing Suite with audio visual mixing rooms, a drama studio, extensive computing resources, gymnasium, circuit room and outdoor multi-purpose sport courts.
Sport: Inaburra offers a sports program that caters for all levels of athletic ability. The school has a long history of strong representation in the NSW Christian Schools Sporting Association (CSSA) and Combined Independent Schools (CIS) competitions at the state level. Elite athletes have also represented the school at the All Schools National Championships, the National Christian School Games and at the Pacific Games held every four years. Inaburra does not operate School sports on weekends.
Co-Curricular: Students are also given the opportunity to participate in co-curricular programs that are on offer throughout the week. These include: God Squad, Debating, Science Club, Entrepreneur's Club, Tech Crew, Dance Troupe and an extensive range of musical groups including our award winning A Capella Choir. Peripatetic music tutors are available to teach musical instruments or singing as individual lessons. The school stages a Musical Production every year, alternating between Junior and Senior schools. This is performed to the general public over three nights in the Performing Arts Centre.

The teaching staff in the Inaburra are professional, dedicated and dynamic Christian educators who hold a passion for developing the capacity of students throughout their educational journey.

Welfare: Our welfare staff are committed to the general well-being of students and supporting families. This includes transitional activities such as Orientation Camp for Year 7, parent seminars to assist in areas such as cyber safety and curriculum choices. Inaburra offers students the services of qualified counsellors if necessary across both Junior and Senior School.

Learning Enrichment: A highly professional and dedicated team are committed to supporting, extending and enriching students through their learning.

Peer-to-peer leadership: Students are encouraged to actively support other students, regardless of whether or not they hold leadership positions. Some of the more structured leadership activities include buddy programs, supporting Year 7 orientation and peer-to-peer tutoring.

The Inaburra Learner Profile.

Standing upon our Christian foundation and in partnership with families, Inaburra seeks to shape life-long learners who are:

* Knowledgeable and resourceful thinkers
* Creative and critical inquirers
* Effective and confident communicators
* Relational and collaborative communicators
* Resilient and responsible risk-takers
* Engaged and aware global citizens
* Confident and discerning leaders
Historically, the School’s strengths have been in Christian education, pastorally-caring relationships, creative and performing arts, and future-oriented innovation. Recently these strengths have broadened to include the quality of facilities, the professionalism of operations, the use of ICT for student learning. Our strategic direction is focused on building our ability as a School to deliver world-class teaching and ensure our students make real progress in their learning.
Inaburra exists to be a Christ-centred learning community pursuing excellence in education with every individual known and loved.

Inaburra School is serviced by a number of bus routes. There are bus connections to Sutherland Railway Station and suburbs in the Sutherland Shire. There is also a dedicated bus route serviced by the U-Go Mobility that operates in the St George Shire connecting the suburbs of Mortdale, Lugarno, Oatley and Peakhurst. This route operates two dedicated school buses in both morning and afternoon.

Inaburra School offers a number of scholarships. Please visit the website to find out more.

Congratulations to the Inaburra School HSC Class of 2023

15 December 2023

Today we celebrate the completion of formal schooling for the Inaburra Class of 2023 and the release of the HSC and ATAR marks. Beyond academic results, we pray that our students are leaving Inaburra with a love for learning and a curiosity that will open up opportunities for them whatever path they may take.

Your teachers, parents and school community are proud of your efforts and dedication. We would like to acknowledge the following achievements:

Notable ATAR results:

  • 15 students achieved >90 ATAR

Other notable aspects of the HSC results for 2023 include:

  • 69 Distinguished Achiever results (number of Band 6 or Band E4 results)
  • 48% of results were in the top two bands (Band 5 and Band 6)
  • 32% of students achieved one or more Band 6 results
  • 87% of students with extension courses achieved in the top two bands
  • 24 courses achieved above state averages

Outstanding individual results:

  • Two students achieved a mark of 100 in Mathematics Advanced
  • One student achieved a mark of 50 (equivalent to 100) in English Ext 1
  • Two students scored marks >95 in two of their subjects

Inaburra received an outstanding 21 nominations for possible inclusion in HSC Showcases in 2023. Congratulations to the following students for recognition of their HSC Major Works:

DRAMA – Individual Performance. Harper Ballantine-Jones, Chanel Mezrani and Kai Taylor were nominated for possible inclusion in OnSTAGE for their individual performances.
DRAMA – Group Performance. Harper Ballantine-Jones, Isabel Chau, Lucy Johnston and Nina Williams were nominated for possible inclusion in OnSTAGE for their group, Wade in the Water.

DANCE – Major Study Performance. Jenaya Gladman and Kai Taylor were nominated for consideration in Callback.
DANCE – Core Performance/s. Jenaya Gladman was nominated for consideration in Callback.
DANCE – Core Composition. Jenaya Gladman, Kai Taylor and Tahli Williams were nominated for consideration in Callback. Kai’s Core Composition was successful in being shortlisted for the final showcase. Callback is a showcase of exemplary HSC Dance Works from across NSW.

MUSIC – Music Performance. Riley Isedale and Philippa Luscombe were nominated for ENCORE.

DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY – Sienna Dynon and Laura Fattore were nominated for consideration in Shape 2023. Shape is an annual exhibition of exemplary Major Projects developed by HSC Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Textiles and Design students.
TEXTILES AND DESIGN – Lauren Tomlin and Sophia Alvarez were nominated for consideration in Shape 2023.
INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY – Harper Ballantine-Jones, Lucas Cross, Scott Firth and Isaac Jones were nominated for consideration in Shape 2023.

ART – HSC Visual Art. Christy Hansell was nominated for consideration in ARTEXPRESS, as part of the HSC Showcase season in 2024 for Body of Work titled, ‘He Only Smiled for Me’.
ART – HSC Visual Art. Skye Eder’s Body of Work entitled ‘May I join you for dinner at Chicago’s?’ has been included in the esteemed Art Rules exhibition at Hazelhurst Arts Centre. Art Rules is an exhibition of outstanding works by HSC Visual Arts students.

For our students to be recognised at this level is truly commendable. It’s wonderful to see their major works acknowledged amongst the most talented in the state. We are very proud of their efforts and also want to acknowledge their teachers for the guidance, collaboration and support they have provided for the Class of 2023 across their Stage 6 journey.

Parent reflections on what they value about Inaburra -

'Being part of the school community and my child being known individually by all staff involved in his education and learning at Inaburra'.

'I value that Inaburra is a Christian community and that it is looking out for the best of my child, both academically and spiritually'.

'That my child is valued and accepted for who they are and made to feel like an integral and important part of a community'.

'The school and everyone in it have truly shown commitment to my child and his individual learning'.

'The continual open communication from the class teacher, and approachability of the Leaders. We are thrilled with the school'.

'The community nature of the school, the smaller class sizes, the lovely and kind parents, the mixing of ages who support each other, the focus on personal qualities as much as academic results. Creating a safe learning environment'.

'I really like seeing senior staff greeting students and parents every morning, it is so welcoming and makes me feel that they care and are always accessible'.

'I am proud to send my child to a school which I believe exists for the primary purpose of assisting in supporting & developing my child to be the best version of themselves that they can be'.

'Community that has been build through the years at Inaburra. Our children  feel safe and secure as a part of the Inaburra community'.

'The sense of community. It is a place where my child feels valued and safe. The students and families who have been at the school for a number of years are known and acknowledged by staff. The influence of the school is contributing to my child growing into a respectful adult with good values'.

'Great example set with well mannered students greeting parents at the car line in the mornings. An approachable, highly intelligent, caring principal. Caring, good, teachers . Lovely uniform and facilities. Great music program. Interesting options and variety in weekly sport plus good representative sports opportunities.'

If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:
Principal's Image

Welcome to the Inaburra community.

Since its beginning in the early 1980s, Inaburra School has built a strong reputation as a school of first choice in the Sutherland Shire and the surrounding areas. Inaburra continues to be a community in which every individual is known and loved – a place where every student is valued as a person made in the image of God. It is, first and foremost, a learning community in which staff and students learn with, and from, one another. While we seek to encourage all students to grow in their understanding, we recognise that students will need more than just knowledge and understanding to flourish today and into the future. They will need to become competent and confident learners, ready to learn, perhaps even unlearn and relearn, how best to engage in different activities throughout their lives.

Education at Inaburra, however, is not about ensuring that our graduates, as a consequence of developing their capacity to learn, are empowered to accumulate more resources over the course of their lifetimes. Our desire for our students is that they might become people of generosity rather than accumulation, humility rather than arrogance and compassion rather than self-importance. We seek to encourage our students to be generous in the classroom, humble enough to admit when they don’t understand something and compassionately supporting their classmates who are struggling with a particular concept or idea. As a Christian school, our focus is on the development of learning character. Staff and students alike are encouraged to become people who are gracious, compassionate and self-controlled learners, ready, willing and able to be a blessing to those around them now and into the future.

You would be very welcome to come and experience for yourself the life and ethos of Inaburra School.

Dr James Pietsch became Principal of Inaburra School at the start of 2018. Prior to commencing at Inaburra, Dr Pietsch was the Dean of Professional Development and Learning at St Luke’s Grammar School in Dee Why where he had previously been Head of Mathematics. He has also held positions as the Dean of Residents at New College at the University of NSW, and as a lecturer and tutor in educational psychology at the University of Sydney. He holds a doctorate in educational psychology and brings a wealth of experience in education and leadership to his role as Principal.

For all the latest news visit the Inaburra Facebook page or the website.

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Inaburra School, Bangor NSW

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