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De La Salle College Malvern

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Founded in 1912, De La Salle College provides a Catholic education in the Lasallian tradition for students in Years 5 - 12. A non-zoned Catholic boys’ school; De La Salle College welcomes students throughout the Melbourne metropolitan area.
Tiverton Campus
1318 High St
1318 High St, Malvern, VIC 3144
Melbourne Metro, Melbourne East, Melbourne Bayside
03 9508 2100
Kinnoull Campus
9 Northbrook Avenue, Malvern

Holy Eucharist Campus
1241 Dandenong Rd, Malvern East

Enrolment Spaces available

Other Campus Locations
Holy Eucharist Campus
1241 Dandenong Rd, Malvern East
Kinnoull Campus
9 Northbrook Avenue, Malvern
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A De La Salle student lives the Lasallian charism and develops social skills and character which continue to give back to society long after he has left De La Salle College.
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Mr Peter Houlihan
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Multiple School Locations
  • Junior School
  • Middle School
  • Senior School
  • Independent
  • Catholic
5 - 12
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Pathways
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Special Needs
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • French
  • Italian
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Australian Rules Football
  • Alpine Sports
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Golf
  • Hockey (field)
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Weightlifting

De La Salle College educates over 1,000 students across three campuses – Tiverton, Holy Eucharist and Kinnoull. Each campus is designed for every stage of your son’s development. We have an open enrolment policy and provide a contemporary learning community that encourages and supports personal excellence.

Founded in 1912, De La Salle College provides a Catholic education in the Lasallian tradition for students in Years 5 — 12. A non-zoned Catholic boys’ school; De La Salle College welcomes students throughout the Melbourne metropolitan area.

Our holistic learning environment and specialised programs ensure De La Salle students are challenged and supported throughout their school years. We provide a variety of pathways including VCE, VET and VCAL and our students learn in a community of faith and growth, founded on a culture of social justice. Our support networks, committed teaching staff and evolving technologies ensure our students reach their full potential throughout their education.

Our extensive range of co-curricular opportunities, strong sports program, rich music and drama programs and wellbeing support through the GROW (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing) program, complements classroom learning and provides a broadening of perspective for our students. We cater for students interested in music and performing arts with performance opportunities and private tuition available. We offer a variety of sports choices for students at a school level as well as ACC teams, state level competitions and High Performance Sports Teams with industry professionals coaching our students.

De La Salle are committed to social justice and helping others and students participate in fundraising or volunteer initiatives throughout each year. We prepare our students to fully participate in society with the skills for life-long learning and a foundation based on the Lasallian faith experience of value, respect and inclusiveness.

Discover De La Salle College through a College Tour to find out why the College is the right choice for your son.

Application forms are available here or contact our Registrar via email or (03) 9508 2186 for more information about the De La Salle College enrolment process.

Be Your Best at De La Salle College, Malvern.

With an emphasis on consolidating core knowledge, skills and understanding, our curriculum enables students to develop a deep sense of themselves, others and the wider world.

De La Salle students are supported and challenged all the way from Years 5 – 6, to the larger cohorts of Years 7 -12.

We know that every student learns differently. That’s why our Specialised Programs, including Accelerated, Gift and Talented Education and Education Support programs and services, enable all students to reach their potential.
Located on three campuses, facilities include a large gymnasium, basketball courts, weight lifting room, multi purpose halls, performing arts centre, computer laboratories, libraries, chapels, science laboratories, (general as well as specialist); and a creative arts complex encompassing design technology, art, graphics, photography and music studios.

Our extensive range of co-curricular opportunities, strong sports program, rich music and drama programs and wellbeing support through the GROW (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing) program, complements classroom learning and provides a broadening of perspective for our students. We cater for students interested in music and performing arts with performance opportunities and private tuition available. We offer a variety of sports choices for students at a school level as well as ACC teams, state level competitions and High Performance Sports Teams with industry professionals coaching our students.

We pride ourselves on the vast array of opportunities we give our students to actively participate in leadership. We acknowledge that leadership takes on many forms and is a skill that needs nurturing.

As students move through the College their understanding of what is required of a leader matures. By their final year they have a firm grasp on the notion of Lasallian leadership, which demonstrates service to the College community and beyond.
At De La Salle College, we are committed to our faith, our educational community and our spirit of service and compassion. Our Lasallian charism guides, nurtures, challenges and encourages all our endeavours. We value our role in the international Lasallian network and strive for meaning, relevance and creativity to deliver a quality education for our young men in a 21st century environment.

We practice the five core principles as set forth by St John Baptist de La Salle:

1. Respect for all people:
We honour and respect the dignity of all individuals.
2. Quality education:
Students and staff work together to develop curiosity, be creative, think critically and strive for personal best.
3. Inclusive community:
We celebrate diversity and welcome all members to our community.
4. Concern for the poor and social justice:
We are in solidarity with people experiencing social, economic and spiritual marginalisation and advocate for those without a voice.
5. Faith in the presence of God:
We believe in the living presence of God in our students, in our community and in our world.
Building on more than a century of tradition and innovation.

We are an outstanding Lasallian school continuing to pursue innovation and academic excellence in a supportive human and Christian community. Our positive school environment best prepares our young men for the future by enabling them to discover their potential and mission in a community of faith. A Lasallian education prioritises service to people who are marginalised and in need, and emphasises respect for all.
De La Salle is a Catholic Boys’ College empowering students to LEARN to maximise their potential, LIVE the Lasallian values, and LEAD with passion and spirit.

When considering a school for your child, a College tour provides a unique opportunity to see the school in action and to experience the learning environment first hand. The tours are led by current students and members of our leadership team and include a presentation by our Principal, Peter Houlihan. Families have the opportunity to view both our Tiverton and Kinnoull Campus’ and hear about the wide range of opportunities available at De La Salle College.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Admission Team via email

A comprehensive points based assessment criteria is used to ascertain a student’s eligibility for GATE. This system will allow for assessment of multiple forms of abilities (e.g. intellectual, creative, etc.). Once assessed, a range of curricular, co-curricular and mentoring opportunities are available that are tailored to match the distinctive needs of the individual student. This allows the development of talents in specific domains while pursuing mainstream curricula in other subjects. The opportunities that may be offered include:

  • Differentiated content, processes and/or tasks to challenge gifted and talented students
  • Annual Progression Reports for individual students
  • STEM-based electives offering hands-on learning such as Robotics and Computer Programming
  • Mentorship opportunities via the CSIRO Scientists in Schools Program
  • Subject acceleration across specific key learning areas in Year 9, 10 and 11
  • Pathways that lead to the completion of 1st-year university subjects as a VCE subject in Year 12
  • Diverse co-curricular options that provide further avenues for gifted and talented students to be challenged through music, drama, art, debating, immersion programs, lunch clubs, as well as sport.

As well as preparation for external competitions such as:

  • Big Science Competition
  • Robocup Junior Competition
  • Australian History and Geography Competition
  • Da Vinci Decathlon

And external support programs such as:

  • The Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children Activities
  • CSIRO Student Research Scheme

Through this program, De La Salle College aims to enable exceptionally able students in a community of faith and excellence to achieve their full potential with integrity and distinction.

Extending across all Year Levels, our Education Support Team assists our teachers to meet the needs of students with additional learning needs.

The team works collaboratively with our teaching staff to:

  • Identify and implement appropriate adjustments to support student wellbeing and learning;
  • Enhance teachers’ knowledge of students with learning difficulties;
  • Inform teaching practices in an environment of inclusivity and success.

The Education Support Team consists of a Coordinator, Special Education Teachers and Learning Support Officers.

Students can be referred to the Education Support Department for assessment by either teachers or parents. To determine support needs, Education Support Teachers may complete internal assessments or make recommendations for referrals to external agencies.

The Education Support Department offers a Literacy Support Program and the Mathematics Department offers a Numeracy Support Program to students in Years 7–9. At Years 10–12, students select their program to best suit their abilities and interests.


Malvern Station

The Tiverton and Kinnoull Campuses are within a ten minute walk of Malvern station. This station is on the Frankston and Dandenong/Cranbourne railway lines.

Glen Iris Station

Glen Iris station is a five minute tram ride away on Tram 6 (which passes the College on High Street). This station is on the Glen Waverley railway line.


Tram Route 6 operates along High Street. It terminates at Glen Iris station, only five minutes from the College. Route 16 operate along Glenferrie Road. Route 5 operate along Wattletree Road.

To learn more or view transport maps, please visit the Transport page on our website.



Malvern East Station

The Holy Eucharist Campus is within a five minute walk of Malvern East station. This station is on the Glen Waverley railway lines.

Murrumbeena Station

Murrumbeena station is within a ten minute walk from the Holy Eucharist Campus. This station is on the Frankston and Dandenong/Cranbourne railway lines.


Bus routes are available along Dandenong Road with stops within a two minute walk from the Holy Eucharist Campus.  



  • The Median Study Score for 2021 is 31, up from the Victorian state average of 30 last year and places us very favourably in comparison to “like” schools.
  • The percentage of Study Scores 40 and above is 10.30%, the first time we have broken through the 10% barrier, easily our best result. This achievement continues a steady pattern of growth since 2016, almost doubling the number of Study Scores over 40 in that six-year period. Last year was 8.55% – previously our best in the past ten years – and up from 7.85% in 2019, 7.22% in 2018, 6.43% in 2017 and 5.3% in 2016. This demonstrates terrific progression and growth in six consecutive cohorts – a very pleasing reward for the targeted work of leadership and teachers in lifting results and pushing their students.
  • We have continued our impressive pattern of recent years in relation to high numbers of students attaining ATARs in the 90s, with 2021 results in this area particularly notable given the interruptions to onsite learning. With 19.10% of the cohort attaining an ATAR of 90 or above despite the remote learning, this is outstanding. This represents essentially an extraordinary 41% increase from 2020’s 13.53%. For almost 20% of our students to achieve an ATAR above 90 is exceptional, given our non-selective, open entry, mixed ability enrolment policy.
  • We had a remarkable 39.70% of ATARs in the 80 — 99.95 range, an increase of 8.12% from 2020.
  • The percentage of students with ATARs in the 70 – 99.95 range is 56.70%, up by 6.32%. This continues our record of keeping 50% of ATARs above 70.
  • The Median ATAR is 73.55, up from 70.60 in 2020, which continues the excellent record in recent years of keeping the Median ATAR above 70.

The impressive range of superb individual results, with many students doing exceptionally well, is testament to their commitment and organisation, coping very well with the rigours of months of remote learning. The high standard our students have largely been able to maintain as a cohort, in comparison to recent years, is also noteworthy and a credit to the students’ resilience, ambition and their teachers’ professional and flexible approach this year.

I am so proud of all our young men; without the comfort and routine of everyday onsite contact with peers and teachers they strove for personal success and maximised their results through sheer devotion to the task.

This year we have two students with the honour of being College Dux. Congratulations to Tom Seddon (College Captain as well!) and Richard Bland, who both attained the extraordinary ATAR of 98.60.

Congratulations again to all our Year 12 students and teachers on this tremendous achievement for 2021.

While there is an impressive range of superb individual results, high standard they have been able to maintain as a cohort is most noteworthy.

Congratulations and thank you to all the Unit 3 and 4 teachers who invested so much time, effort and expertise in teaching, mentoring and advising each and every student in their care. De La Salle’s effective management and delivery of remote learning has been a highlight in the challenges and demands of the past two years. With the state median for all subjects being 30, we have so many with median Study Scores in the 32 – 36 range, figures which sit at the very top of the scale when compared with any of Victoria’s highest performing schools. Several Learning Areas and individual subjects have achieved their very best results for several years.

The overall improvements we saw in 2021 are testament to the targeted approach and diligent attention to detail evident among the students and the positive relationships our teachers enjoy with our young men. This support and rapport were more important than ever in the frustrating months of four separate rounds of remote learning, managing the transition back to onsite learning and dealing with such a unique range of academic and wellbeing issues.

I am so proud of all our young men and how they embraced and coped with the trials delivered to VCE students once again in 2021. The most capable and diligent were best able to deal with the challenges and changes but perhaps even more worthy of merit was the resilience and performance of those with lesser gifts who strove for personal success and maximised their results through sheer devotion to the task.  While we of course celebrate the upper end of the results, I must acknowledge the staff who worked so hard to support, challenge and extend students of all abilities and motivation levels. I am very proud of all our young men who persevered under such trying circumstances and came out as successful, proud Lasallians.

VCAA’s second year of the Consideration of Educational Disadvantage (CED) process, diligently applied by our staff, also assisted a range of students.

Thank you once again for your support during the year; it was greatly appreciated by all in our wonderful community. I wish you a happy, holy and safe Christmas and holiday period.

Mr Peter Houlihan

110 Years 110 Stories is a special commemorative book to celebrate the 110th anniversary of De La Salle College.

110 Stories for 110 Years is a celebration of our Old Collegians, as told through interviews published in Roll Call magazines over the years.

Purchase a limited edition hardcopy book, click here for more information.

Read the free PDF version here.


Aaron May

College Dux, Class of 2020

Congratulations to 2020 De La Salle College Dux, Aaron May, who achieved an outstanding ATAR of 99.25.

He achieved the following Study Scores; Chemistry 45, English 40, Specialist Maths 40, Mathematical Methods 43 and Physics 48. Aaron also completed Unit 3 & 4 Systems Engineering in 2019, with a Study Score of 44.

Aaron actively participated in College life and was elected College Vice Captain in Year 12, St Leo’s House Year 11 Leader and Senior Table Tennis Captain. He led by example and showed students that it was possible to balance high academic standards with strong involvement in extracurricular College activities, whether they be leadership or ACC sports commitments. He was part of various school sports teams including football, table tennis, volleyball, badminton, tennis and cross country. Aaron also had roles in the ACC Model UN Conference and the Lasallian Leadership Seminar.

“These diverse school activities have not only helped me grow as a person but have also allowed me to maximise the enjoyment out of my schooling life”.

Outside of school, sport continued to be a passion of Aaron’s. He played on several local sports clubs, captained various football sides and umpired his local junior football club.

“Being a part of a team is something that I enjoy doing as it gives me much satisfaction to see the whole team work together to achieve something bigger than any individual could achieve on their own”.

Whilst at school, Aaron belonged to the Ringwood East Australian Air Force Cadets Squadron (408 Squadron) where he was a leading cadet. As a cadet, Aaron was chosen to take part in a flying training program with 10 -15 hours of Australian Defence Force sponsored flying for 20 cadets throughout Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

In Year 10, Aaron received the Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Award. These awards recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both their school and the broader local community.

This year, he commenced a Bachelor of Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) at the Australian Defence Force Academy RAAF program. Aaron is hoping to become a pilot in the RAAF after completing his studies at the ADFA.

“I have just completed the initial familiarisation training stage and have begun my university studies. I am aiming to have a long career in the ADF where I can help to defend our country.”

Aaron embodies the Lasallian spirit and his values including respect for others, leadership, teamwork and mateship are evident in all he does.

De La Salle College congratulates Aaron and the graduating Class of 2020. We look forward to seeing what this exceptional class will achieve in the future.

If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:
Principal's Image

At De La Salle, our students learn to live and lead. A simple philosophy, but very important as boys learn to take on leadership roles and become active members of the school community. Leadership helps students develop self-respect and come to respect others in the process. Through the College’s robust social justice program and immersion in the Lasallian ethos we see our students develop a strong moral compass and compassion for those around them.

Whilst the College encourages the practice of the Catholic faith, we respect the religious affiliation of every member of the community. Most importantly, we deliver a quality education in all subjects and provide students with the skills to be active and successful citizens in today’s society. To ensure we are providing the best environment in this sense, the College has put in place the essential infrastructure and technology to help our young men to learn to live and lead.

De La Salle continually strives to build and improve the programs to enable our young men to be educated in a respectful and encouraging, contemporary learning environment where strong family values and academic achievement are reinforced. Our teachers know and understand boys. We encourage leadership, vision and innovation in teaching and learning and support students’ growth via a focused student wellbeing program.

We are also a community where the desire to achieve academically, and according to one’s abilities, is fundamental. As a comprehensive school we attempt to tailor all our programs to provide the optimal learning environment for each and every student, where each can achieve personal excellence..

So the elements of De La Salle might be summarised thus: faith in God and in each other,service to the community both local and overseas and especially to those most in need, and within a community of young men striving to learn, to live and to lead.

Come join us!

Peter Houlihan - Principal

The Duce newsletter is a vehicle to keep students, staff, parents and our community connected. To Duce issues, please click here

To read the Primary Duce, a newsletter for all Primary students and parents, please click here. This newsletter is distributed twice a Term and includes important information relating to Year 5 and 6 students from Director of Students (Middle Years), Martin Gibbs.

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De La Salle College Malvern

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