The Primary Curriculum is sourced from the Victorian Curriculum.
Curriculum Subjects:
* English (including: Spelling, Grammar, Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening)
* Mathematics
* Science
* Physical Education / Sport
* Health
* The Arts (including music, visual arts, drama, dance)
* Information Technology
* Library
* LOTE: Indonesian
* Integrated Studies (including: History, Geography and Economics)
* Clubs - Intermixed year levels, with a focus on social development
Additional areas: These are interwoven across all the curriculum areas.
* Communication
* Interpersonal Learning
* Thinking Processes
* Civics & Citizenship
* Personal Learning
We recognise that not all children learn the same so our aim is to provide activities in our daily teaching that are:
* Auditory
* Visual
* Kinaesthetic
Our increasing range of computer based learning infiltrates many lessons but is also taught as a separate set of skills, essential for the twenty first century.
Secondary school is an exciting step for students. There are new challenges and new rewards. Students undergo personal growth as they develop intellectually and are exposed to areas of academic, sporting and personal achievement. Students will begin to make decisions and choices regarding their own education and the direction that they wish to undertake in the future.
Geelong Baptist College aims to equip students for their future life, study and work. With that in mind, the College aims to provide a curriculum that is innovative, challenging and comprehensive. The choice of subjects and activities within the curriculum recognises that all students have varied skills and abilities as well as a wide variety of interests and ambitions for their future.
Year 7
Year 7 is the first year of Secondary School and as such provides an introduction to the routine and rigour of the senior school. There is a balance between the Core Subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities (MESH) and the specialist elective subjects which students cycle through term by term. Students also study a Language Other Than English (LOTE), Physical Education, Computing and Christian Living. Support is given to every student so that they feel at ease developing new personal organisation and time management skills as well as new study habits.
Term Two is marked by a Year 7 camp. This provides a relaxed and fun-filled opportunity for all students to get to know one another. There are also other opportunities during the year for social events provided just for Year 7 students.
Years 8, 9 and 10
Students continue to study a set curriculum of core subjects (Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities), Physical Education and Christian Living during Years 8 to 10. There is a variety of specialist electives to extend student interest and learning. These electives include; Visual Arts, Visual Design, Legal Studies/Politics, Business Management/Economics, Food Technology, Music, Media, Physical Education, LOTE:Indonesian, Systems Engineering, Writers Workshop, Information Technology, and Wood Technology
Support programs are also in place for students struggling with literacy and numeracy. All students are tested in numeracy, comprehension and vocabulary skills at the commencement of each year. This testing helps to guide staff in programs that will assist students to improve their skills in these areas in a positive and encouraging environment.
In Year 9, students are involved with 'The Edge' program. 'The Edge' program is undertaken for one day per week for the duration of Semester One or Two, depending on the class. The theme of the program is 'WHO I AM MAKES A DIFFERENCE'. Students explore this concept from 3 different perspectives. 'Who am I?' explores developing the inner self - spiritually, physically and emotionally and involves physical challenges, developing life goals and understanding personal gifts and talents. 'Me and my relationship with others' requires engagement in team building activities that employs problem-solving tasks and explores the qualities of a leader. 'Me as a citizen of the world' aims to develop student's awareness of communities in need, identifying our responsibility in our community and creating links with local community projects. Camps and project-based activities are an integral part of the program.
In Year 10, students will be involved in various career guidance activities as well as Work Experience. Both of these aspects of the Year 10 program assist students in their choice of subjects for Year 11 as well as providing a basis for personal growth and maturity.
Years 11 and 12
The College has put together a wide choice of subjects. The subjects allow students to choose from a University pathway, TAFE, traineeships or employment. Courses include varied subjects. Please contact the College for a curriculum outline.