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Ignatius Park College, Cranbrook, TOWNSVILLE QLD

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Ignatius Park College, Townsville QLD
A Catholic secondary College for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition.
368 Ross River Rd
Townsville Region
(07) 4796 0222
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Mr Luke Thomson
  • Secondary School
  • Single School Location
  • Catholic
Year 7 - 12
  • Academic Achievement
  • Business & Legal Studies
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Digital Technologies
  • Faith / Religion
  • Information Technology
  • Media & Film Studies
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Science/Technology
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • Japanese
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Australian Rules Football
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Rugby League
  • Rugby 7's
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Volleyball

Ignatius Park College is proudly dedicated to boys: their spiritual, academic, social and physical growth as they approach maturity. As Townsville's only boys' school, we are uniquely placed to cater for their specific needs.

The College's challenging academic programmes revolve around a recognition that boys think and learn differently from girls. Our routines and curriculum are therefore carefully structured to allow maximum personal growth within an environment tailored specifically to cater for boys' academic, physical and emotional development.

Ignatius Park College's challenging academic programmes revolve around a recognition that boys think and learn differently from girls. Our curriculum is therefore carefully structured to allow maximum personal growth within an environment tailored specifically to cater for boys' academic development. We have adopted a range of boy-friendly pedagogies designed to maximise learning in a supportive academic environment. All lessons are structured to include variety of pace and learning activities, catering for different styles of learning. Student progress and performance is carefully monitored to ensure boys achieve to their potential.

We offer a two-tiered approach to learning reflected in our College structure which provides a seamless transition from one phase to the next.
The College spans across 17 acres and supports three full sized sporting ovals, full Olympic-sized swimming pool, fully air-conditioned hall with 1500 conference style or 700 banquet style seating. Trade Training Centre catering to the vocational and training students.
Edmund Rice’s educational values came to us in stories about school practices and in the recording of the lives of the early Brothers.

While Edmund had a concern to provide the poor with schools, he also wished to offer an education that affirmed and integrated Faith within a system of schools at the service of the Church mission. His emphasis on right relationships was not just exercising good pastoral care but was also showing reverence to the presence of God in all people.

The clear direction of social justice for all and of service to others within and outside the College Community presents a particular challenge to our Schools and to Ignatius Park. There have been growing efforts to transmit our Edmund Rice Ethos to the wider College community.

Many students and staff are involved in the newly formed Social Justice Group, the College St Vincent de Paul Society, Edmund Rice breakfasts, Edmund Rice Camps, the Blood Bank Appeal, experience and Service Learning activities. Each House adopts a particular outreach activity while the College as a whole assists many Local, National and International Charitable Organisations.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in visits to the Townsville Community Learning Centre, to work with other students from underprivileged backgrounds.
Ignatius Park College, an inclusive Catholic community, enriched by Townsville culture and grounded in the Edmund Rice Tradition, educates and inspires young men to live simply and make a difference
Ignatius Park College is a reflective community that encourages its members to seek truth through the spirit of Edmund Rice by nurturing right relationships and respecting the dignity of each person. In partnership with families and the wider community, we strive to promote a learning community that actively encourages excellence in teaching and learning, within and inclusive curriculum framework, based on Gospel values.
Principal's Image

We are proudly dedicated to boys and their spiritual, academic, social and physical growth. As Townsville’s only boy’s school, we are uniquely placed to cater for their specific needs.

The College’s challenging academic programs revolve around a recognition that boys think and learn differently from girls. Our routines and curriculum are therefore carefully structured to allow maximum personal growth within an environment tailored specifically to cater for boys’ academic, physical and emotional development.

We provide a balanced and holistic education within the Edmund Rice network, building on the Christian Brothers’ proud tradition of educating young men as leaders of the community, with a strong focus on faith education and Christian living.

We pride ourselves in promoting structure, processes and relationships which build connections through the integration of academic and co-curricular programs that recognise the learning demands of boys. Having recently completed our College Master Plan, we are excited to begin enacting it as we commence the upgrade and modernisation of our campus which will support our students to reach their academic goals.

Our Pastoral system nurtures and challenges our boys to become confident, happy and responsible young men with a highly developed sense of social justice, where we strive to create an environment where each student can feel confident to achieve his potential.

Our prime focus is to promote the safety and wellbeing of students under our care. At Ignatius Park College we take our responsibilities for child safeguarding extremely seriously and therefore we commit to ensuring that all our schools have appropriate policies and practices to make them places that are both safe and inclusive. Our child safeguarding programs are regularly updated and checked for compliance with regulatory requirements.

We believe that Ignatius Park College students – the boys of today – have a vital role to play as outstanding young men of the future, with highly developed skills in leadership, critical thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence. Ignatius Park College offers a Liberating Education, based on Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community, committed to Justice and Solidarity.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community. 

Luke Thomson | PRINCIPAL 

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Ignatius Park College, Cranbrook, TOWNSVILLE QLD

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