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Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School - Wyoming NSW

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Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Wyoming
Our School motto “Alive and Aware” is constantly a reminder of striving to value and foster the sacredness, achievements and potential of each person.
92 Glennie Street
Central Coast, NSW Central Coast
(02) 7256 2103

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Our School motto "Alive and Aware" is constantly a reminder of striving to value and foster the sacredness, achievements and potential of each person.

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Our Lady of the Rosary is more than a school, it’s a community.
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Bernard Cumming
  • Primary School
  • Single School Location
  • Kindergarten
  • Catholic
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Community
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Discipline
  • Educational Support
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Special Needs
  • Sport
  • Welfare
  • Italian
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Rugby League
  • Swimming

At Our Lady of the Rosary, Wyoming we are committed to giving your child the best academic education in a modern learning environment

At OLR we are proud to be recognised as the ‘family community’ school where each and every child is known and cared for as an individual. We are a co-educational Catholic school catering for children from Kindergarten to Year 6, with a strong reputation for academic success as well as our Positive Behaviour for Learning approach.

We are committed to giving your child the best academic education in a modern learning environment. In 2019 we welcomed our brand new building which consists of 8 new classrooms equipped with the latest learning resources. Our students engage in interactive learning through an indoor/outdoor setting and contemporary breakout spaces for smaller group activities.

Our Science and Technology programs build on our student's natural curiosity to learn more about the natural and man-made world around them, through coding and coding club, robotics, 3-D Print, and Information Communications Technology (ICT). Our students also have access to a range of language-based programs within our school, such as Italian lessons (from as early as Kindergarten), Public Speaking, and Tournament of the Minds. Children who have a flair for the arts are encouraged with opportunities in dance, drama, band, choir, and individual keyboard tuition. Annually our students perform in school musicals and dance troupe performances, along with the opportunity for students to enter visual arts competitions. With a clear focus on the development of each individual, our broad curriculum caters to a wide range of interests and abilities.

We are also extremely fortunate to have amazing on-site sporting facilities including a generous oval space, covered outdoor learning area, basketball court, and our very own school playground. Our students are given the opportunity to excel individually and/or with teams in athletics, cross country, rugby union, league, AFL, soccer, netball, touch, and Oz Tag (as well as off-site swimming). We also offer coaching clinics for AFL with the Sydney Swans, Soccer with the Mariners, NRL with the Roosters, and Rugby with the Waratahs. As a result of our facilities, many of our students are representing in higher levels in Polding, Broken Bay, and state levels.  

Transition to kindergarten

Along with our ‘Pop up Playgroup’ operating on-site, we welcome families to our wonderfully successful school readiness program known as ‘Kinder Yana’’. The program lets the children meet their new peers and become familiar with the school environment, over 8 sessions. This allows teachers the opportunity to get to know each child’s strengths and challenges before formally beginning Kindergarten the following year. Enrolment at OLR is welcomed at any time of the year where class sizes allow.

We are a forward-thinking Catholic school, providing a Catholic education for all, within a harmonious – happy- and- connected community.

Beliefs About Learning
At Our Lady of the Rosary we believe that children learn best when:
individual needs are catered for
they have access to resources
they are actively involved
risk taking is encouraged
they are challenged
they have strong expectations that they will succeed and do succeed
quality work is expected
children’s efforts are valued and shared
opportunities are provided for enrichment and extension
a sense of responsibility for self, others and the environment is promoted
a sense of pride in self and the school are encouraged
a sense of safety and respect is fostered
parents are involved in the learning and teaching process
effective learning and teaching processes are in place

Key Learning Areas
We provide every student in our Catholic primary school with significant opportunities for learning in all seven Key Learning Areas. These experiences are planned in keeping with the stage of development and the potential of each individual student.
Our Lady of the Rosary School has fourteen well equipped classrooms with a variety of materials to enrich the learning needs of our students. The classrooms are carpeted with a wet area included, ceiling fans, interactive whiteboards throughout and air conditioning in all classrooms. Our Multi Purpose Room features a large open area where whole year groups can meet and is used for incursions, keyboard lessons and utilised by crèche and playgroup. Each year group has access to a number of laptop computers as well as several desktop computers for class use. The school has wireless connection throughout which allows for a flexible use of technology incorporated into all learning areas, in particular our bank of mobile tablet devices.

Our Library offers a wide range of reading material for all students in a bright and welcoming environment. The students have access to the Library for a 40 minute skills and information lesson once a week as well as having the opportunity to visit the library throughout their lunch breaks. The Library also features an inbuilt entertainment console with stereo video and DVD facilities linked to a mounted data projector to enhance multimedia learning opportunities. The students also have access to a bank of desktop computers for accessing and processing information.

Playground facilities at Our Lady of the Rosary are spacious and provide the opportunity for students to have a balance of passive and energetic playtime options.

We have five separate playing areas including a basketball court, netball court, two grassed areas, as well as an artificial grass area. We also have a large covered outdoor learning area (COLA) which provides shelter from hot or inclement weather. The COLA and artificial grass area contain handball courts and painted games to support children in choosing fun and interactive playground activities.

We have a hall which is used for weekly Assemblies and various meetings.

Wyoming Community Centre runs their Before and After School and Vacation Care in the hall.
Extra Curricular
At Our Lady of the Rosary we value the children’s talents in a variety of areas and encourage them to participate in a wide range of creative, sporting and academic pursuits.
Some extra curricular activities undertaken by our students are:
Academic Opportunities
  • Diocesan Public Speaking Competition
  • Diocesan Debating
  • UNSW English, Mathematics, Science and Computer Exams (ICAS)
  • Write Now! Writers Camp
  • Maths Olympiad
  • Tournament of the Minds
  • Surf Awareness

 Social Interaction

  • Friendship Groups
  • Peer Support
  • Student Representative Council
  • Mini Vinnies
  • Boys Education Program
Diocesan Representative Sport
Children have the opportunity to trial in various sports throughout the year providing them with a pathway to NSW selection.
  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Touch Football
  • Swimming
  • Athletics
  • Rugby Union
  • Cricket
  • Hockey
  • Softball
  • Tennis
  • AFL
  • Cross Country
Inter-school Competitions
  • Paul Kelly Cup
  • Waratah Shield Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Gala Day
Creative Arts
  • Music Lessons
  • Guitar lessons
  • Keyboard lessons
  • School concerts
  • Special event choirs
Learning Support
The school has a Learning Support Teacher and Learning Support Assistants who assist children with special needs within our school by working with teachers to implement individual education programs.

Our Lady of the Rosary is a KidsMatter school that focuses on respectful relationships and the children’s wellbeing.

Our school’s Pastoral Care is based on respect and dignity of the human person.

Pastoral Care grounds the school’s Mission Statement in the quality of our daily relationships. The ways in which people interact with each other in the daily life of the school significantly affects each person’s sense of well-being, identity and self-worth. Everyone in the school community has a responsibility to foster quality interpersonal relationships amongst teachers, students, parents, support staff, priests and parish communities.

OLR endeavours to provide to all, the experience of high quality interpersonal relationships of care and support. Thus each member is both a provider and recipient of Pastoral Care.

As a school community, OLR responds with increasing sensitivity to the social and cultural diversity of its members. It is in and through Pastoral care that much can be done to promote, respect and support such things as diverse family structures, different ways of giving expression to Christian faith, and awareness of cross-cultural issues. School policies and practices are respectful of the dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms of individual students and provide learning opportunities for individual students which are responsive to their unique needs for growth and fulfillment.

Our school is a “Positive Behaviour for Learning” (PBL) school.
Our School Values are “Hope, Justice, Respect and Personal Best”

School Values
These have been formulated to help establish and protect our Christ-centred environment.
The Values are:

Personal Best
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and inspired by the example of Jesus Christ, we, the community of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, Wyoming, strive to value and foster the sacredness, achievements and potential of each person
We will:
The individuals – children, parents, staff, parish, community – and the environment
A sense of acceptance, belonging, hope and love
Celebrate and Share…
Our faith, our common purpose and our achievements, affirming the lives of others
The spiritual, physical, academic, personal and social aspects of the children in partnership with parents
The ideals of Catholic Education
A sense of pride in ourselves, our school and its community

"Our Lady of the Rosary is more than a school, it’s a community. As a new family to the school, we were overwhelmed by the welcoming warmth that was shown by all staff and existing students. The “Kindy-Yana” program is so extensive in transiting new kindergarten students to school, that all pupils feel very familiar and secure when they do start.

The principal and teaching staff are outstanding. A real sense of belonging is established as many teachers know students outside their year group. The principal and deputy make an obvious point to know all students and their families- greeting individuals as they arrive and depart.

Consistently high expectations are modeled by all. From the “ Yr 5 Buddies” that support the kindergarten students on various “firsts”, to the quality teaching that engages and motivates all, Our Lady of the Rosary is a school where any parent would want to send their child."

"So fortunate to have found this school. OLR has a warm and caring environment where students and teachers respect each other. The principal and deputy know all the students by name and go out of their way to greet them (including siblings who haven’t started school). OLR has been exceptional in their response to COVID-19 and seems miles in front of other schools."

At OLR we are proud to be recognised as the ‘family community’ school where each and every child is known and cared for as an individual. We are a co-educational Catholic school catering for children from Kindergarten to Year 6, with a strong reputation for academic success as well as our Positive Behaviour for Learning approach.

We are committed to giving your child the best academic education in a modern learning environment. In 2019 we welcomed our brand new building which consists of 8 new classrooms equipped with the latest learning resources. Our students engage in interactive learning through an indoor/outdoor setting and contemporary breakout spaces for smaller group activities.

Our Science and Technology programs build on our student's natural curiosity to learn more about the natural and man-made world around them, through coding and coding club, robotics, 3-D Print, and Information Communications Technology (ICT). Our students also have access to a range of language-based programs within our school, such as Italian lessons (from as early as Kindergarten), Public Speaking, and Tournament of the Minds. Children who have a flair for the arts are encouraged with opportunities in dance, drama, band, choir, and individual keyboard tuition. Annually our students perform in school musicals and dance troupe performances, along with the opportunity for students to enter visual arts competitions. With a clear focus on the development of each individual, our broad curriculum caters to a wide range of interests and abilities.

We are also extremely fortunate to have amazing on-site sporting facilities including a generous oval space, covered outdoor learning area, basketball court, and our very own school playground. Our students are given the opportunity to excel individually and/or with teams in athletics, cross country, rugby union, league, AFL, soccer, netball, touch, and Oz Tag (as well as off-site swimming). We also offer coaching clinics for AFL with the Sydney Swans, Soccer with the Mariners, NRL with the Roosters, and Rugby with the Waratahs. As a result of our facilities, many of our students are representing in higher levels in Polding, Broken Bay, and state levels.  

Transition to kindergarten

Along with our ‘Pop up Playgroup’ operating on-site, we welcome families to our wonderfully successful school readiness program known as ‘Kinder Yana’’. The program lets the children meet their new peers and become familiar with the school environment, over 8 sessions. This allows teachers the opportunity to get to know each child’s strengths and challenges before formally beginning Kindergarten the following year. Enrolment at OLR is welcomed at any time of the year where class sizes allow.

We are a forward-thinking Catholic school, providing a Catholic education for all, within a harmonious – happy- and- connected community.

Principal's Image

Greetings and welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School at Wyoming.  Our school was opened in 1978 and was founded by the Sisters of St Joseph.

At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School children develop a passion for learning through quality teaching and a diverse range of learning experiences.  We encourage and foster a love of learning and strive for excellence within a quality learning environment.  We are the educational arm of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish.  Our Catholicism is expressed through the students, teachers and wider school community living and teaching Gospel Values, with our school motto being ‘Alive and Aware’.

We have an extremely talented and professional team of staff members, and a committed parent community.  Our school is a fantastic place for children to come and learn, and a rewarding place for teachers to come and teach.  It is our collective aim to provide the very best learning opportunities for all of our students

Parents and carers are of vital importance to the success of our school.  Our parents and carers are the first educators of their children and their positive support of their child’s school education provides encouragement to their child, their teacher and helps build the spirit of the school.

Education is a lifetime journey that you begin at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School. We are dedicated to preparing your children for their journey of learning. We welcome your interest and warmly invite you to visit or call for further information.

Bernard Cumming


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Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School - Wyoming NSW

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