Nurturing God-given potential
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PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN COLLEGE - Scholarship Opportunity Fri Mar 07 @ 8:00AM - 05:00PM [56 Days to go] |
Established in 1984, Prince of Peace Lutheran College is a co-educational Christian College for students in Kindergarten to Year 12 based on two closely located campuses in Everton Hills, North Brisbane.
Our Junior Campus on Rogers Parade is home to more than 420 students from Prep to Year 6. Our Kindergarten and Outside Hours School Care facilities are also based on the Junior Campus and run on behalf of the College by Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services.
Over 400 students attend our leafy, peaceful Senior Campus, which is approximately 1km from the Junior Campus and provides education for students in Years 7 to 12. Our close and supportive Christian community makes Prince of Peace Lutheran College a very special place for our students to enjoy a successful school career.
Christianity and Christian values are central to all we do at Prince of Peace. The Lutheran perspective of sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia (by scripture alone, by faith alone, by grace alone) is expressed through short daily devotions and worship. The emphasis is not about morality, but about God’s love.
Christian Studies is a central curriculum component from Prep to Year 12, and Christian values and ethos are embedded and lived out in our daily activity.
As a Lutheran College we warmly welcome families of all denominations and also those with no set faith, but who share the appreciation of the College’s purpose and mission and the ten values of Lutheran Education Australia:
The Junior Campus enjoys the use of the Prince of Peace Church for its worship services and both campuses enjoy connections with the church congregation. Simple acts, such as the church providing lunch for our Year 12 students during QCS exams, allow opportunities for the congregation and students to connect.
The College is blessed to have a School Pastor who works across both campuses. Our Pastor regularly leads worship services and also plays a pastoral care role in supporting and counselling students.
Our staff at Prince of Peace comes from a range of faith backgrounds and all teaching staff participate in a Bible study program as part of their ongoing professional development.
As students journey through their school years, they are provided with a wide range of faith-based activities as part of the school routine, including:
Daily devotion, which provides an enjoyable start to the day throughout the College. In the younger years, this takes the form of a prayer, a story, or a song in the classroom. At the Senior Campus, students start to take responsibility for leading the devotion in their Pastoral Care classes alongside their teacher or a fellow student. Staff also start the day with a short devotion run by a fellow staff member. Daily devotions provides time to connect with God and each other on a spiritual level prior to the busy school day.
Worship takes place twice a week at each campus and all students attend. Students participate in a half hour sub-school (Y1-3, Y4-6, Y7-9, and Y10-12) and a whole campus worship each week (P-6, Y7-12). At the Junior Campus, these are either led by a class (which is extremely popular and provides great opportunities for confidence building from a very early age), by a class teacher or by one of the campus leaders.
Similarly at the Senior Campus, worship is led either by the students or a staff member. This variety in presentation provides a wide range of ideas, presentation styles and subject matters. Joint student and staff worship bands support campus worship services, providing lively and age-appropriate music. Parents are very welcome to attend all worship services. At the Senior Campus a separate communion service is held once a term in the outdoor worship area for those students who choose to attend.
Christian Studies is a central component to the curriculum, studied by all students from Prep to Year 12 in line with Lutheran Education Australia direction.
We run before and after school bus services through the following areas:
Please find details of our bus routes here >
In addition, students can catch a between-campus bus to assist those parents with students at both campuses.
The exact route of each bus is reviewed at prior to the start of the school year to accommodate the students booked on each route. We are unable to provide a door-to-door service, but we do endeavour to pick up and/or drop off each student at a convenient and safe point. Drivers operate on a very tight schedule and cannot wait for students who are late for their pick up or drop off. For the safety of all, students and parents co-sign a student Code of Conduct for use of our College buses. Parents are provided with the mobile phone number of their driver, and can contact the driver directly in the event of an emergency or to advise the driver if their child is not attending school. If you are interested in further information on these services, including costs and pickup/drop off locations, please contact our Junior Campus reception on 07 3872 5775. For families in areas not serviced by College buses but wishing to access bus services from Eatons Hill and Albany Creek to the College, please check Brisbane Bus Lines.
Simon is an accredited Lutheran School Leader with over 20 years’ experience in Lutheran schools across Australia.
Simon joined Prince of Peace from Good News Lutheran College in Melbourne, where he was Principal for 8 years and oversaw the growth of the College from a Primary School through to a large P-12 College, along with the introduction of several international programs.
Simon has previously held other leadership positions, as Head of Middle School and Year Level Coordinator. He has taught ICT and Design Technology from Prep to Year 12, along with Music, Photography, Mathematics, English, and Physical Education.
Simon is passionate about digital technologies and their use in education. He has been part of several teams that have introduced online and ongoing reporting systems, as well as 1:1 device programs, in two previous schools.
Simon is a father with three primary school aged children.
(as voted by site visitors)
Prince of Peace Lutheran College, Everton Hills, Brisbane, Queensland