Non scholae, sed vitae. Not only for School, but for life we are learning.
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ROCKHAMPTON GIRLS GRAMMAR - Discover Girls Grammar Fri Mar 21 [6 Days to go] |
Set atop Athelstane Range overlooking Rockhampton in Central Queensland, we are fortunate to be custodians of heritage buildings and long standing traditions, while embracing change and innovation.
Our School is regarded as a leading centre of education for girls of all ages, and offers a continuum in education from Prep through to Year 12. We cater for both day students and boarders. Modern educational philosophies are embedded in the traditions and values of Girls Grammar.
Girls Grammar is an independent non-denominational school for girls offering day and boarding facilities for the continuous education of students from Prep to Year 12 with boarding from Year 6. Our students come from diverse backgrounds across the state, the Northern Territory and internationally.
Besides offering excellent educational opportunities for primary and secondary school students in Central Queensland, continuing students also have access to the Central Queensland University (CQUni) which has established a first-class reputation for its educational offerings, particularly in Business, Health and Engineering.
The School also works in partnership with the Rockhampton College of TAFE (now merged with CQU) which offers an excellent variety of courses and study options for girls seeking to broaden their education.
The School provides a smooth transition across four levels: Early Learning (P-2), Primary School (Years 3- 6), Middle School (Years 7-9) and Senior School (Years 10-12).
An icon of Central Queensland, Rockhampton Girls Grammar School and its unique community has been synonymous with excellence for over 120 years.
Girls Grammar is much more than a School though.
When your daughter becomes a Girls Grammar Girl she becomes a part of our family. Our girls and young women become more than just classmates, they become sisters.
This sense of sisterhood and family is felt strongly among our boarders, boarding staff and other Girls Grammar staff. Our many years experience in the provision of residential schooling has enabled us to become truly specialist in the important role we play in the lives of our girls and young women.
It truly is impossible to understand what this ‘more’ really means without experiencing for yourself, the warmth and sincerity which is the ‘golden heart’ of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School.
Come and see us today to experience our community and find out what it means to be a Girls Grammar Girl.
Visit our website to find out more about boarding at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School www.rggs.qld.edu.au.
Contact our Enrolments Officer on 07 4930 0900 or to arrange an appointment and receive a prospectus package. Join the Girls Grammar family today!
10 Things You'll Love about PRIMARY at Girls Grammar:
1. LEARNING FOR LIFE: You are a valued member of our School family and contribute to sustaining an environment where we all actively engage in learning and embrace our School Values. You join us in practicing mutual and self-respect, fostering community and global citizenship, and seeking and celebrating excellence in every endeavour.
2. SMALL CLASSES: You develop positive relationships among your peers and teachers due to the small class size. With a maximum or 20 girls in your class, your teacher can give you the personal attention needed to allow for the acceleration of your intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth.
3. STUDENT VOICE: You are encouraged to reflect thoughtfully, express your opinions and value the contribution of others. When you reach Year 4 you become a member of a Student Committee or Council and your voice is encouraged and respected.
4. EXTENDING NUMERACY: Your progress is monitored and your teachers apply strategies to help engage you in the numeracy programs. Skilled mathematics presenters and educators visit the School to enrich your learning through real world applications.
5. HAPPY GIRLS: You engage in our Prep – Year 12 Student Wellbeing Program which allows you to participate in learning experiences that facilitate your social, emotional and psychological development. The Primary program focuses on compassion, persistence, resilience, empathy and global thinking.
6. ENRICHING LITERACY: As literacy is a cornerstone of Girls Grammar, you participate in one and a half hours of focused literacy development daily. These sessions are aligned with the Australian National Curriculum. You are regularly engaged with imaginative, interactive, informative and persuasive tests in the areas of reading, structural writing and language processes. Your progress is tracked and mapped using Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA).
7. OSHC & HOLIDAY PROGRAM: You can stay at School in the afternoon until 6.00pm and participate in After School Care Program. This program is run from our recently refurbished Early Learning Centre. You experience a variety of engaging activities after school and during the holidays choose from a variety of excursions in which to participate.
8. SPECIALIST LEARNING: You experience specialised instruction each week in LOTE, Music and Drama right from Prep. From Year 4 you are taught by specialist Art and Science teachers. The Creative Arts program allows for Junior Band and Choir groups to perform at the Rockhampton Eisteddfod and School community events.
9. BEING ACTIVE: You have swimming lessons as part of the Health and Physical Education program in the on-site pool in the warmer months during Terms 1 and 4. Interhouse carnivals are held for swimming, athletics, ball games and cross country. All HPE lessons focus on the development of your fine motor skills and teamwork. You have the opportunity to represent the School in local sporting competitions both within and outside School hours.
10. BEING CONNECTED: You are supported in the creative and productive use of technology. In Prep – Year 2 you have access to the computer lab as well as computer hubs in your classroom. From Year 4 you are provided with your very own laptop. ICT is integrated into all learning areas with our Campus wide wireless connectivity.
We are a small school with surprisingly extensive grounds and facilities. Over our 120 year history, the hallmark of Girls Grammar has been the blend of rich traditions and contemporary thinking. Facilities include:
Set atop the Athelstane Range, Girls Grammar has views across Rockhampton and is close to all city amenities, providing a safe, all girls environment that is handy to transport for air, rail and road access by families.
Years P- 6
The Girls Grammar School Rockhampton offers a full primary education from Year P-6. The emphasis of this program is on providing a challenging but nurturing environment which extends our students as well as providing for the important foundation skills in the early years. Our classes are capped at 20 allowing staff to give close attention to the individual needs of each child.
Year P-6 girls benefit from special links with the middle and senior school, with younger students having a host of older role models and mentors available for assistance and help with transition issues. Prep to 6 also utilise specialist teachers and facilities in areas such as Art; Drama; Japanese; Music; Science and Home Economics.
Year 7 is considered part of the Middle School. Middle School curriculum is about engaging students in the learning process. More than ever the Middle School Curriculum is about working as as team - student/parent/teacher to ensure the most enjoyable and productive middle years of schooling.
YEARS 8-10
Students in Years 8-10 study a combination of core and elective subjects to investigate and prepare for Senior subjects.
Years 11-12
English and Maths subjects
Mathematics C; Agricultural Science; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Modern History; Ancient History; Business Communication and Technologies; Information Technology Systems, Legal Studies; Japanese; Art; Music; Drama; Dance; Home Economics, Hospitality; Physical Education; Music Extension and English Extension (Yr12).
10 Things You'll love about Cocurricular at Girls Grammar
1. Getting involved in activities outside the curriculum is an integral part of your educational experience at Girls Grammar. These opportunities and experiences can be taken with you throughout your life. The cocurricular program allows for your participation, no matter where your abilities and interests lie. You can develop your potential culturally, spiritually, socially, civically and physically.
2. Sports privide experiences which enabel you to:
Rockhampton Girls Grammar School is a member of the Capricornia District Secondary Schools' Sports Association and the Rockhampton District Primary and Secondary Schools' Sports Association. This allows you to compete up to a state level. Sports on offer include Tennis, Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Softball, Rowing, Volleyball, Water Polo, Touch Football, Swimming, Cross Country, AFL, Football, Athletics, and Sports Aerobics. Other sports are available through local sporting associations.
3. Physical activity is encouraged both within and outside the curriculum. Free activities are conducted by staff on the School campus so participation is easy. These activities include:
4. Your expertise can be improved during regular specialist instruction utilising School facilities. There is a fee for these offerings:
5. Your personal growth can be supplemented with participation in Dance Groups. Groups include Secondary Theatrical Dance, Secondary Hip Hop, Girls Grammar Dance Company and Primary Dance Group (Years 3-6).
6. Girls Grammar is dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and extensive music program. An understanding, appreciation and love of music builds your confidence and self-esteem, through music performance opportunities. The School has a renowned program including choirs, stage band, chamber groups, string ensemble and an internationally acclaimed concert band. You can be involved in these ensembles as well as having the opportunity to participate in private tuition with experienced and motivated studio teachers.
7. If you are in Prep to Year 6, you do not miss out. Primary music offers two exploratory programs. Violin may be learned within the instrumental Program from Year 2. In Year 4, 5 and 6 woodwind, brass, strings and percussion group lessons are offered free of charge for 50 minutes per week as part of the classroom Music Program. These group lessons take place during the scheduled music classes. If interested you are encouraged to take private lessons to supplement your musical development.
8. Various student clubs have been developed by staff for your personal growth. These include Art Club, Chess Club, Gym Club, Fashion Club, Running Club, Science Club and Swimming Club.
9. Debating, Drama Masterclass, Maths Team Challenge, Maths Quiz (Year 8), Mooting, Optiminds, Public Speaking and Rotary Quiz are available to you. These competitions run throughout the year and are supported by a teacher.
10. You are expected to participate in at least one cocurricular activity each term. Every member of the Teaching Staff provides an activity for your consideration. There is a broad range of activities to whet your interests, increase physical and creative activity and to enrich experiences. Cocurricular Colours are awarded throughout the year in recognition of involvement and leadership.
10 things you’ll love about the CARE PROGRAM at Girls Grammar
1. Students engage in our Prep – Year 12 Student Care Program which allows participation in learning experiences that facilitate social, emotional and psychological development. The Care program runs daily for a minimum of 30 minutes and focuses on our School Values and the latest trends in society, ensuring students graduate confident, resilient young women ready to take on the world.
2. All students are valued members of our School family and contribute to sustaining an environment where we all actively engage in learning and embrace our School Values. We practice mutual and self-respect, fostering community and global citizenship, and seeking and celebrating excellence in every endeavour.
3. When students join Girls Grammar they gain a ‘Big Sister’ who supports them through their first few months while settling in. The Big Sister maintains contact throughout their schooling career and often beyond.
4. All have a student voice with the opportunity to run as a Year level leader from Years 4 to 11, and as a Prefect in Year 12. Students can nominate and vote in elections, having their say in who will represent their needs in Student Councils and Committees.
5. Students can be involved a Committee or Council. The Committees are run by a Prefect with the support of a Teacher Mentor. Committees include: Agricultural Science, ATSI, Boarding, Dance, Drama, Environment, English, History, Library, Magazine, Mathematics, Middle School, Music, Primary School, Science, Senior School, Visual Art.
6. Students are involved in an annual School camp or activity. Year 4 and 5 attend a Sleep over at School with the girls in your class. Year 6 and 7 travel to North Keppel Island, Year 8 to Boyne Island Education Centre, Year 9 to Camp Fairbairn Education Centre, while the Senior years will be involved in other activities. Year 10 are busy with a weeklong Work Experience. Year 11 are actively involved in the Leadership Conference led by Rising Generations, participating in a range of activities and concluding with an Amazing Race across Rockhampton. Year 12 can be involved in a QCS Preparation Camp at Ferns Hideaway, as well as a one day Leadership Conference.
7. Many opportunities are offered to support local and global community groups. These activities include the ANZAC Day March and Dawn Service, Cleanup Australia Day, door knocking for the Red Shield Appeal. Students can donate blood to the Red Cross, or become active in raising awareness for the Cancer Council by contributing to the P&F Bulls ‘n’ Barrels or Relay for Life. Riding for the Disabled is a very rewarding regular weekend activity.
8. Students participate in a range of celebrations each year. Some are student lead such as Socials, Harmony Day and the School Party to name just a few. Other celebrations include Foundation Day, Investiture, and Speech Night.
9. Due to the small classe sizes staff and students get to know each other. We celebrate each birthday with a personal birthday card. The students in each cohort become more than just classmates, they become sisters.
10. Staff take an interest in student studies and their wellbeing. All staff are helpful and approachable. Our registered Health Nurse is there when students are not feeling well, or need to seek medical advice.
10 things you’ll love about GIRLS GRAMMAR BOARDING
1. HOME AWAY FROM HOME Boarding nurtures collaboration, develops resilience, fosters empathy and forges lifelong friendships. Girls Grammar Boarding provides a safe ‘home away from home’ where girls enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and extend their preparation for life.
2. LIVING SPACE Accommodation is modern and spacious. Year 10-12 have single rooms while Year 6–9 may share with a ‘sister’. Boarding living spaces are situated in the heart of the school and have panoramic views across Rockhampton to Mount Archer.
3. CARING COMMUNITY Girls Grammar’s 120 years of experience in the provision of residential schooling has enabled us to become specialist in the important role we play in the lives of girls and young women. Highly qualified and nurturing boarding staff are on duty 24 hours a day.
4. SISTERHOOD Girls Grammar students gain many ‘sisters’ throughout their time at the School, especially through the Big Sister program which brings students of all ages together. The program matches senior girls with new students to ensure they are welcomed and supported. Girls Grammar offers boarding for students from Year 6 and sisterhood is central to the culture of boarding at Girls Grammar.
5. MASTER CHEF Delicious and nutritious meals are prepared on site. Our respected and admired Chef daily demonstrates his skill and dedication through his range of healthy and varied meals. He tailors the menu especially for girls and all dietary requirements are catered for.
6. PERSONAL GROWTH The small Girls Grammar family allows us to encourage and facilitate our girls to participate in their personal interests, hobbies and representative sports. Social contribution is nurtured at Girls Grammar with voluntary participation in community door knocks, charity fundraising events and ‘hands on’ help. Transport can be arranged to enable senior boarders to take on part-time employment.
7. DIGITAL CONNECTIONS Hewlett Packard laptops, with the latest Microsoft and Adobe productivity suites installed, are provided for both learning and enjoyment for all students in Years 4-12. Connection of personal School laptops to our secure, filtered wired and wireless network across the entire campus maximises cyber safety and easy communication with home such as Skype.
8. CURRICULUM SUPPORT Consolidation of learning can be enhanced after school in a tutorial setting with teachers. Teachers are also available via email for further assistance and guidance. The Library & Resource Centre is open for supervised study from 8.00am to 6.00pm on week days.
9. HEALTH MATTERS Any illness is quickly treated or referred by our registered nurse who is on duty from 8.00am to 4.00pm each week day in our spacious air conditioned Health Centre. Transport is arranged to medical appointments, with the support of an accompanying adult when required.
10. FUN OPTIONS Spare time can be filled at the on-site pool, gymnasium, oval or music rooms. Regular weekend group activities are on offer such as shopping and beach outings. A wide variety of special interest activities are available at Girls Grammar. These include many team sports, music lessons and ensembles, Glee Club, Maths Club, Drama Masterclass, Art Club, Xpress English Club, Rock Band, Hip Hop and Theatrical Dance, Sport Aerobics, Boot Camp, Kung Fu, French, Debating, Computer Arts, Chess Club, Fashion Design and much more.
Welcome to Rockhampton Girls Grammar, a school community with more than 127 years’ history of educating strong women. Our rich heritage and traditions, combined with our future-focused educational philosophy, ensure our girls are prepared with the strong learning foundations and personal capabilities they need to engage effectively
in what is our increasingly complex world.
Girls are our specialty! As Rockhampton’s only girls’ school, we provide lifelong benefits that can only be gained by attending a girls’ school, particularly the elimination of gender beliefs and assumptions. From Prep to Year 12, every aspect of teaching and learning is tailored to girls, to developing their self-belief, growing their leadership and empowering them with the skills and confidence to be capable,
ethical young women who lead full and rewarding lives beyond their schooling years.
Regardless of the pathway they pursue after school, we know that girls need rich, engaging learning experiences during their formative years. At Girls’ Grammar, we are committed to high quality teaching where girls are nurtured, challenged and supported. Our teachers maintain high expectations for our students, encourage curiosity, collaboration, questioning and problem-solving and provide learning
experiences that foster their intellectual character as well as their social and emotional growth.
Girls Grammar is a boarding school - not a school with a boarding program. One third of our students are boarders - it's central to what we do. We provide a home away from home where community, belonging and inclusiveness are fostered and girls make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
The right school is so important for the woman your daughter will become and we know that the decision about your daughter’s education is one of the most important decisions you will make. We value a holistic education where your daughter’s gifts and talents can be nurtured – in partnership with you. It would be a privilege to welcome you to Girls’ Grammar, to show you around our campus and to discuss how Girls Grammar can be the right school for your daughter! I look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful school.
Mrs Kara Krehlik
(as voted by site visitors)