Upcoming Events
SAN SISTO COLLEGE - College Tour Fri Oct 18 @ 9:00AM - 10:30AM [27 Days to go] |
Educating young women in Years 7 – 12 is an extraordinary privilege. We provide a challenging, innovative and exciting learning environment with a focus on seeking excellence in academic achievement and performance. We strive to provide quality learning and teaching experiences that cater for all learning styles with the right balance of education and fun.
At San Sisto College, we offer state-of-the-art facilities and a wide range of subject choices in both O.P. and Vocational Educational courses. Both Italian and Japanese languages are offered and prove popular with students. We also have strong arts, drama, and sporting departments that continue to profile students’ talents at competitive levels.
Our students are encouraged to accept responsibility and develop independence and self-discipline, confidence and self-worth, nurtured through mutual respect and care for one another. College life is framed by our four Dominican Pillars of Community, Study, Prayer and Service. Our values of truth, joy, hope, compassion, justice and attributes such as passionately loving learning and seeking and appreciating beauty and creation are central to our way of life at the College.
We believe that learning and the wellbeing of our students are inextricably linked, and so provide numerous services to students and parents through our wellbeing centre (The WELL – Wellbeing: Enhanced Life and Learning). The WELL offers students services that attend to their spiritual, cognitive, social, physical and emotional wellbeing – to nourish the body, mind and soul.
At San Sisto College, technology has enabled the college to develop tools for teachers and students which has provided increased learning participation, tailored learning experiences, encouraged collaboration and interactivity, and helped foster an independent and enabled community. Digital tools like WIFI, interactive whiteboards and online learning communities - LIFE and Education Perfect; enable students and teachers innovative outlets in and outside the confines of the traditional classroom. This technology has enabled teachers significant pre-learning opportunities for the classroom and provided students the ability to take control of their education and learning. Both of these tools are making learning and teaching more visible at San Sisto College.
The college also has a number of customised microsites, designed for easy of access by staff, students and parents. These sites are designed to encourage direct communication, build stronger relationships, provide instant curriculum information, and assist in resource sharing within the college’s communities.
The college’s Technology Service Centre is the central hub of all things digital, ensuring students and staff continue to work effectively. This specialist team offer timely repairs, advice on software installations and general care of laptops. This centre also looks after the college’s digital network, to guarantee both students and staff are communicating efficiently during even the busiest campus day.
Catholic Social Justice teaching, based firmly in the Scriptures, requires that we look after those in need in our societies and seek to address those needs by charitable service and, where necessary, social justice action. At San Sisto, the Christian call to service and justice is explicitly taught in the Religious Education curriculum. Opportunities to respond to that call are provided by extra-curricular service and justice activities. These activities may vary from year to year as situations change and opportunities arise.
Catholic Social Justice teaching, based firmly in the Scriptures, requires that we look after those in need in our societies and seek to address those needs by charitable service and, where necessary, social justice action. At San Sisto, the Christian call to service and justice is explicitly taught in the Religious Education curriculum. Opportunities to respond to that call are provided by extra-curricular service and justice activities. These activities may vary from year to year as situations change and opportunities arise. The following activities are currently undertaken and form a significant component of the co-curricular program of the college.
Year 8 activity takes place at lunch times close to events such as Mothers’ Day. All other service activities take place outside of school time, either on an afternoon (Years 9-11) or in the evening (Year 12)
Parent contact is particularly welcomed with an emphasis on the partnership between home and school. The importance of good adult role models in the lives of young people cannot be emphasised too strongly. High quality communication between parents and teachers provides a secure environment that fosters the positive development of our young women.
College Musical
Every second year our college drama department puts on a production.
The 2019 production of Rockin’ Robin was directed by Mr Keith Beiers.
In 2017 our production of The Wizard of Oz was held under the direction of Ms Jacqueline McCarthy.
Representative Sports offered at our college:
Representative Sports offered at your College
Athletics |
Basketball |
Indoor Cricket |
Cross Country |
Hockey |
Netball |
Soccer |
Swimming |
Tennis |
Touch Football |
Volleyball |
At San Sisto College, a strong sense of ‘community’ or ‘family’ permeates throughout the college. This caring environment, undoubtedly, is because of the legacy from the Dominican Sisters, continues today as we develop close relationships between and amongst students across the six year levels, foster a warm and professional relationship between students and staff, strengthen involvement of parents in the college community, and because of our nurturing environment, we are able to tend to the needs of each young woman. We believe that the following are integral to quality pastoral care in a college that specialises in girls' education:
Dimension 5 of the Dimensions of Learning framework is Habits of Mind.
There are numerous "habits" that could assist our learners. We have chosen to implement the16 Habits of Mind based on the work of Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick . For more information about these habits, visit http://habits-of-mind.net/whatare.htm.
Consistent with and emanating from our College Vision and Values Statement, we also emphasise 16 "Habits of Spirit".
We invite you to visit the college and uncover what the college is really like through one of our Open Days or Visitor Days. We encourage you to speak to our students and teachers to hear their honest opinion of what they love about San Sisto. This one-on-one opportunity will only reinforce the warmth and close relationships we have with our girls – we care.
You will also get a first-hand view of our beautiful college campus. Take the time to visit our facilities to see what we are so proud about. Remember your daughter will be spending a long time with us on her journey – to become a happy, confident and successful young woman.
We believe that your daughter matters; so excellence is not compromised.
If you are unable to attend our Open Day, the college will be conducting college tours during each school term. Please check the college website for announcements closer to the dates.
Please email the college at scarina@bne.catholic.edu.au to register.
For up-to-date timetable and service information on the following bus routes, visit:
Bus Route 5165 afternoon
Bus Route 5088 morning
Bus Route 5081 morning and afternoon
Outstanding OP Results
Our 2017 Year 12 students have been very successful in receiving places at university and TAFE for 2018. Of the 99 QTAC applications, 100% received an offer, with 93% receiving an offer from their first two preferences. 60% actually received an offer before the major round of offers. Many students benefitted from bonus ranks through a variety of schemes which included the studying of Maths C, Physics, Languages or participation in university study whilst still at school. These results are particularly special because of the many amazing young women who not only showed a strong focus on academic excellence, but also were the driving force within the student leadership team or across our sport, arts and community service pillars.
"I love the supportive people, the English department and the many wonderful opportunities here. The generous nature of the school was present from my first day when the student leaders gave us their time to help us out with the transition from primary to high school." Year 8 Student
"I love the caring nature of the teachers and staff - they genuinely care about the students." Year 10 Student
"I love the nurturing, spiritual community. I love that our whole cohort is repectful towards one another and towards the grounds and staff too. As we are about to start senior school, we are grateful for the range of subject choices that cater for and help develop our individual passions and allow us to create ourselves." Year 10 Student
"I love the supportive community, the welcoming students and the wide range of activities, which is great for getting involved." Year 11 Student
"I love the musicals. I love being involved. I also love Home Economics which is one of my favourite subjects - cooking, sewing, everything to do with the subject." Year 11 Student
"I love the friendships and the teachers most. I love the closeness of the school." Year 11 Student
"I love that particularly in senior years you're able to develop a personal relationship with your teachers, both in and out of the classroom. Being an Art student, I am forever grateful for the resources and facilities which the college provides, including the constant encouragement from the teachers." Year 12 Student
"I love the fun atmosphere, even in class and around the grounds, and the good times spent with my friends. Our teachers are great and very encouraging in regards to the academia side of things." Year 12 Student
"I love the strong sense of justice. I have learnt that you can do anything in the world, when you set your mind to it." Year 12 Student
Queensland educators have been acknowledged for their educational advancements and leadership at the annual Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards on Thursday 15 June 2017. Cara Robinson-Taylor, San Sisto College’s Languages Academic Leader won the prestigious category award for Excellence in Leadership for Learning and Teaching.
Finalists representing many schools, and their guests, gathered at Victoria Park Golf Club to witness Archbishop Mark Coleridge and BCE Executive Director Pam Betts present each award and congratulate the winners.
Other worthy San Sisto College finalists also recognized for their achievements in the team awards category included Brad Barker, Cara Robinson-Taylor, Richard Yaxley, Kym Trew and Judy McDonald.
Shelley Hamilton, San Sisto College Principal, said “We are extremely proud of the innovations in educational excellence recognised in the Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards on Thursday night. These amazing teachers have been driving this initiative within our school for the past two years.
The team was formed in 2016 in response to the Brisbane Catholic Educations DELT initiative (Delivering Excellent Learning and Teaching Strategy). From the onset, the team recognised the need for a consistent and unified approach to the implementation of the Excellence in Learning and Teaching – Moving Forward strategy within the College.
A number of strategies were developed and successfully implemented throughout the College in order to ensure consistency. These included posters, cards and templates to promote visible learning in prominent areas in classrooms; weekly learning walks and talks as priorities in the timetable; constant analysis of data collected not only from student testing, but also from classroom observations; and review and response meetings conducted about individual students. A range of professional development sessions were delivered to ensure the upskilling of staff. ‘Bump it up models’ were clarified and refined and the strategic approach to using line of sight documents across the college was mandated. Professional development sessions were also conducted in the Writing Monitoring Tool to upskill staff in the marking of the tool and thus reducing in-school variation and ensuring the consistency of the data collection. The team recognised that communication with parents and the wider community about the initiative was imperative to ensure that parents were best able to support their daughters at home.
“I am so proud of the collaborative culture that has been cultivated within the College from within that has ensured the ‘buy-in’ from staff and our entire community that has ensured the successful implementation of this project. This has been one of the major success of the team; without all the stakeholders willingly supporting this initiative, it would not have enjoyed the success that it has within our College and to have received recognition by the Brisbane Catholic Education Excellence in Teaching Awards committee,” said Shelley Hamilton.
We are a Catholic secondary school in the Dominican Tradition whose mission is to nurture, challenge and shape the heart, mind and spirit through a lived experience of the Gospel.
The Dominican values of truth, joy, faith and prayer, justice and compassion, community and service, and a love of learning guide us as we foster a sense of unity, connectedness and belonging. The wellbeing of our students is paramount, with an extensive personal development program and a wellness centre supporting the young women in our care.
As a college, we seek to challenge each student whilst nurturing their gifts and talents thereby encouraging and enabling them to reach their potential. We provide an extensive curriculum that caters for the interests and needs of all students and our staff members support an innovative pedagogical framework that maximizes and enhances learning and caters for diversity. We are committed to educating and developing young women who will always strive for excellence in their academic, sporting and cultural endeavours.
Students are also encouraged to participate within their community through involvement in a wide range of social justice activities.
We know that when we enrol your daughter into our learning community, she comes to us with the values you have nurtured as a family. We, therefore, work to establish effective learning partnerships with our parents and caregivers to successfully foster the positive development of our young women. We invite you to explore our learning community, through our website, to learn more about life at our college.
At San Sisto College we are proud of the students we educate – young women ready to meet the challenges of the future as they make their way in the world.
Mrs Shelley Hamilton
(as voted by site visitors)