Information mornings are held at Currambena regularly throughout the school year for prospective parents. We encourage people to come along and meet other parents, students and staff, and see our school. The information mornings are always held on a Wednesday. They start at 10 am and finish at 11:00am.
Prospective parents will be given an info pack by email a few days before the information day. The session will comprise an hour of information, discussion and questions with staff, parents and students, and will follow with morning tea and the opportunity to look around the school grounds, and meet some of the other staff. People can fill in their Expression of Interest form, and leave them with staff, or send it as an email at a later date. We appreciate parents taking the time to fill in the feedback forms.
If you would like to enquire regarding a place in our preschool or primary for this year, please email us here or call us on 02 9427 0644.