Cameragal Montessori School Open Day 2018
Under 3s, Preschool and Primary Campuses
The magic of the Montessori approach is putting each child at the centre of their education and development.
Ignite your child’s sense of independence and love of learning through activities tailored for their stage of physical, emotional, and psychological development.
The Principal, teachers and parents invite you to learn more and attend our Open Day and discover the unique world that is Montessori education.
Saturday 17 March 2017, 10:00am to noon
3 Locations:
Preschool & Under 3s: 2B Montpelier St, Neutral Bay
Preschool: Cnr Lavender & Walker Sts, Lavender Bay
Primary: 12 Miller Street, North Sydney
For more information please contact:
T. 9954 0344