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Caulfield Grammar - The Tempest - Caulfield Campus

START DATE: Thursday, 02 August 2018


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Caulfield Grammar School

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 Caulfield Grammar School

Caulfield Grammar - The Tempest - Caulfield Campus

The Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield Campus Theatre Department invites you to the senior play, 'The Tempest' - A Physical Theatre Production.

Shakespeare's classic text, The Tempest allows students to go on a journey to investigate themes of human nature, examining the monstrous side of man and what can make us monsters instead of men. We find Prospero marooned on an island for 12 years with his daughter, Miranda, when his arch rivals sail by in ship. He uses his magic to create "The Tempest", a wild storm that sinks the ship washing the noblemen ashore. As the noblemen search for safety, Prospero begins his revengeful quest, aided by his servants Ariel and Caliban. However, his daughter Miranda falls in love with the King's son Ferdinand. Will this event see Prospero mellow and embrace his daughters happiness or will he fall to the fate of temptation and choose to become a monster?

VENUE: The Black Theatre, Caulfield Campus. Please enter via Gate 5 on Loch Ave.

Caulfield College The Tempest.jpg

Caulfield Grammar - Caulfield Campus
217 Glen Eira Rd
St Kilda East VIC 3183


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