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9:30 Open Day :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by CRANBROOK SCHOOL, Bellevue Hill NSW
Principal's Tours :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by MARYMOUNT COLLEGE BURLEIGH WATERS QLD
9:15 NORTHERN BEACHES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - PRIMARY SCHOOL TOURS :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Northern Beaches Christian School - Terrey Hills NSW
9:30 - 11:30 Principal's Tour: Junior Years Campus :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Trinity Lutheran College Ashmore Qld
9:30 - 11:30 School At Work Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, VIC
10:00 LORETO KIRRIBILLI SCHOOL TOUR :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Loreto Kirribilli, Kirribilli NSW
6:30 The McDonald School - Open Evening :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by The McDonald College, North Strathfield NSW
9:15 - 3:00 Walk and Talk Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by CRANBROOK SCHOOL, Bellevue Hill NSW
9:30 - 11:00 Ruyton Principal's Conversation :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by RUYTON GIRLS' SCHOOL, KEW VIC
2:00 - 3:45 De La Salle College - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by De La Salle College Malvern
Scholarships and Bursaries
Trinity Lutheran College Ashmore Qld
9:00 - 12:00 Open Day :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Caboolture Montessori School
9:00 - 10:30 Prep & Pre Prep Open Morning :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by KING'S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, QLD
Scholarships Testing
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