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9:00 All Saints Anglican School tour :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by All Saints Anglican School - Merrimac QLD
9:30 Cameragal Montessori School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW
9:30 Open Day :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by CRANBROOK SCHOOL, Bellevue Hill NSW
10:00 Ambrose Treacy - College Tour :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Ambrose Treacy College Indooroopilly Queensland
Penola Catholic College - Principal's Tour Year 7-8 :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Penola Catholic College
Wesley College - Junior & Middle School Elsternwick Campus Tours :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne
Wesley College - St Kilda Road Campus Tour Middle & Senior School :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne
9:00 Emmaus College - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Emmaus College, Vermont South VIC
9:15 - 10:15 Christ Church Grammar - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Christ Church Grammar School, South Yarra
9:30 Cameragal Montessori Neutral Bay School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW
10:00 LORETO KIRRIBILLI SCHOOL TOUR :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Loreto Kirribilli, Kirribilli NSW
11:00 Mount St Benedict - Open Day :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Mount St Benedict College - Pennant Hills NSW
Marymede Catholic College - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Marymede Catholic College, Morang VIC
9:15 ST LUKE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL - DEE WHY CAMPUS TOUR :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by St Luke's Grammar School, Dee Why NSW
9:30 Cameragal Montessori Lavender Bay School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW
9:30 - 11:30 School at Work Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, VIC
4:00 Pymble Ladies College - Open Evening :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Pymble Ladies' College, Pymble NSW
Barker College - Senior School Tour (Years 10 - 12) :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Barker College - Hornsby NSW
9:15 Alphington Grammar - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Alphington Grammar School, Alphington VIC
Ipswich Adventist School - Celebrating 50 Years :: NSW by IPSWICH ADVENTIST SCHOOL, BRASSALL QLD
9:00 - 12:00 Kewarra Beach Kindy and Prep Open Day :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by TRINITY ANGLICAN SCHOOL, CAIRNS QLD
9:00 - 12:00 St John's College - Open Day :: Qld Open Days/ School Tours by St John's Anglican College, FOREST LAKE
9:30 - 11:00 Glenaeon Preschool Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove NSW
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