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Private School Open Days and School Tours

Open Days and school tours for Private schools throughout Australia.

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12 August 2018 - 18 August 2018
12 August 2018 - 18 August 2018

11:00 - 12:30  loreto cooparoo.jpg Loreto College - Open Day    ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Loreto College Coorparoo QLD

11:00 - 12:30  loreto cooparoo.jpg Loreto College - Open Day    ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Loreto College Coorparoo QLD

calvary christian.jpg Calvary Christian College - Secondary Academic Information Evening for 2019   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Calvary Christian College, Mt. Louisa Townsville QLD

Barker College Profile junior school.JPG Barker College - Junior School Tours (Pre-K to Year 6)   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Barker College - Hornsby NSW

plenty valley.jpg Plenty Valley Christian College - Open Morning   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Plenty Valley Christian College, Doreen VIC

wesley college.jpg Wesley College - Glen Waverley Campus Tour Junior School   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne

xavier.jpg Xavier College Kostka Hall Campus   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Xavier College

9:00 - 11:00  August OM Brisbane Kids Banner 703 x 436.jpg August Open Morning   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Brisbane Christian College

9:15 - 10:15  christ church grammar melb.jpg Christ Church Grammar - School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Christ Church Grammar School, South Yarra

9:15 - 10:15  NBCS.png Primary School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Northern Beaches Christian School - Terrey Hills NSW

10:00 -  2:00  OpenDay2018_August.jpg JUST IMAGINE - Avondale School Open Day   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Avondale School - Cooranbong NSW

10:30 - 12:30  wenona 2.jpg Tour Morning   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Wenona School, North Sydney NSW

11:00  a.b. paterson.jpg A.B. Paterson College Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by A.B. Paterson College Qld

3:30 -  6:30  SC-EXPO-INVITATION.jpg Senior Campus Expo (aka 'Pop-In')   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Prince of Peace Lutheran College, Everton Hills, Brisbane, Queensland

7:00  Year 10 2019 Information Evening - Traralgon Campus   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by St Paul's Anglican Grammar School, VIC

wesley college.jpg Wesley College - St Kilda Road Campus Tour Junior school    ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne

9:00 - 11:59  peninsula.jpg Peninsula Grammar - Open Day   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Peninsula Grammar

9:15 - 10:30  st james melbourne.jpg St James College - Open Morning   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by St Bede's College Bentleigh East VIC

9:30 - 10:30  King's Christian College Pimpama Principal's Tour - Pimpama Campus   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by KING'S CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, QLD

9:30 - 11:00  silkwood nathan.jpg Silkwood School - PRIMARY SCHOOL TOUR ONLY   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by SILKWOOD SCHOOL, MT NATHAN QLD

Barker College Senior Students.jpg Barker College - Middle School Tours (Years 7 – 9)   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Barker College - Hornsby NSW

8:00 - 11:00  St Margarets OpenMorningemailBanner2018.jpg St Margaret's - Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by St Margaret's Anglican Girls School Qld

9:00 - 10:00  Junior School Principal's Tour 9 -10 am (Junior)   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Northside Christian College, Brisbane, Queensland

9:15 - 11:00  Speaking to Kris - Resized.jpg Preshil Year 7 2020 School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Preshil - The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School, Kew VIC

9:30 - 11:30  oakhill college.jpg Oakhill College - School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Oakhill College, Castle Hill NSW

9:30  stuartholme.jpg Stuartholme in Action Tours   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by STUARTHOLME SCHOOL Toowong QLD

9:30 - 12:00  glennie.jpg The Glennie School - Kindy and Prep Come and Try Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Glennie School, The, Toowoomba Qld

10:00  St Catherine's School -Open Morning   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by ST CATHERINE'S SCHOOL, Toorak VIC

11:00 - 12:00  kincoppal.jpg Kincoppal - ELC & Kindergarten Information Morning   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Kincoppal-Rose Bay NSW

Eltham college.jpg Eltham College - In Action   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Eltham College, Research VIC

moreton bay college.jpg Moreton Bay College Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by MORETON BAY COLLEGE, MANLY WEST QLD

st monica.jpg St Monica's College - Morning Tea with the Principal   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by ST MONICA'S COLLEGE, Epping, VIC

mcdonald audition.jpg The McDonald School - Audition   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by The McDonald College, North Strathfield NSW

8:30 - 11:00  BBC.jpg Brisbane Boys College - Open Morning    ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Brisbane Boys' College

9:00 - 11:00  heights college.jpg Heights College Open Morning   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by HEIGHTS COLLEGE, North Rockhampton QLD

9:00  international grammar.jpg International Grammar KINDERGARTEN TOUR   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by International Grammar School - Ultimo NSW

9:30 - 11:00  WW20160316ELC.jpg Ruyton's Principal's Conversation   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by RUYTON GIRLS' SCHOOL, KEW VIC

9:30 - 10:30  shelford.jpg Shelford ELC Tours   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by SHELFORD GIRLS' GRAMMAR, CAULFIELD VIC

9:00 - 11:00  camberwell.jpg Camberwell Girls Grammar - Open Morning    ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Camberwell Girls Grammar School, Canterbury VIC

9:00 - 12:30  yarra valley grammar.jpg Open Morning    ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by YARRA VALLEY GRAMMAR RINGWOOD VIC

9:00 - 12:30  xavier.jpg Xavier College - Discovery Tours, Senior Campus & Burke Hall Campus (Combined Tour)   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Xavier College

11:00 -  2:00  caulfield grammar.jpg Caulfield Grammar - Open Day Wheelers Hill Campus    ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Caulfield Grammar School

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