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Private School Open Days and School Tours

Open Days and school tours for Private schools throughout Australia.

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19 August 2018 - 25 August 2018
19 August 2018 - 25 August 2018

9:00  all saints.jpg All Saints Anglican School tour   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by All Saints Anglican School - Merrimac QLD

9:30  cameragal montessori.jpg Cameragal Montessori School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW

9:30  Cranbrook-Senior-School-Tours.jpg Open Day   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by CRANBROOK SCHOOL, Bellevue Hill NSW

9:30  Cranbrook-Senior-School-Tours.jpg Open Day   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by CRANBROOK SCHOOL, Bellevue Hill NSW

10:00  ambrose treacy.jpg Ambrose Treacy - College Tour   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Ambrose Treacy College Indooroopilly Queensland

penola.jpg Penola Catholic College - Principal's Tour Year 7-8   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Penola Catholic College

wesley college.jpg Wesley College - Junior & Middle School Elsternwick Campus Tours   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne

wesley college.jpg Wesley College - St Kilda Road Campus Tour Middle & Senior School   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Wesley College Melbourne

9:00  emmaus VIC.jpg Emmaus College - School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Emmaus College, Vermont South VIC

9:15 - 10:15  christ church grammar melb.jpg Christ Church Grammar - School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Christ Church Grammar School, South Yarra

9:30  cameragal montessori.jpg Cameragal Montessori Neutral Bay School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW

10:00  loreto.jpg LORETO KIRRIBILLI SCHOOL TOUR   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Loreto Kirribilli, Kirribilli NSW

11:00  Mount-St-Benedict-College-photos-6.jpg Mount St Benedict - Open Day   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Mount St Benedict College - Pennant Hills NSW

marymede.jpg Marymede Catholic College - School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Marymede Catholic College, Morang VIC

9:15  stlukes.jpg ST LUKE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL - DEE WHY CAMPUS TOUR   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by St Luke's Grammar School, Dee Why NSW

9:30  cameragal montessori.jpg Cameragal Montessori Lavender Bay School Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW

9:30 - 11:30  NCC-1.jpg School at Work Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, VIC

4:00  Pymble open morning.jpg Pymble Ladies College - Open Evening   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Pymble Ladies' College, Pymble NSW

Barker College Senior Students.jpg Barker College - Senior School Tour (Years 10 - 12)   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Barker College - Hornsby NSW

Barker College Senior Students.jpg Barker College - Senior School Tour (Years 10 - 12)   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Barker College - Hornsby NSW

9:15  alphington.jpg Alphington Grammar - School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Alphington Grammar School, Alphington VIC

9:00 - 12:00  KBJ Prep Open Day August 2018.jpg Kewarra Beach Kindy and Prep Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by TRINITY ANGLICAN SCHOOL, CAIRNS QLD

9:00 - 12:00  st johns anglican forest lake.jpg St John's College - Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by St John's Anglican College, FOREST LAKE

9:30 - 11:00  PreSchool-Ken-girl-outside.jpg Glenaeon Preschool Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove NSW

9:30 - 11:00  PreSchool-Ken-girl-painting - Copy.jpg Glenaeon Preschool Tour   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove NSW

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