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St Mark's Anglican Community School - Hillarys WA

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St Mark's Anglican Community School
St Mark’s is a leading K-12 coeducational, private, independent school and a centre of excellence in teaching and learning, pastoral care, worship and service. It provides a low-fee, quality, inclusive, caring, Christian education with opportunities for all.
St Mark's Drive
PO Box 231 HILLARYS WA 6923
Perth North
(08) 94031300

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Our Mission

St Mark’s aims to foster growth in character and to develop a set of values and skills, by teaching and example in a Christian setting, through all aspects of School life.

Our Vision

Growing good people who are lifelong learners, striving for excellence andequity in all they do.

Our Values

Respect, Knowledge, Confidence, Responsibility, Community.

Our Motto

Seek Truth and Wisdom.

Mr Steven Davies
  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Primary through Secondary
  • Early Learning Centre
  • Kindergarten
  • ELC-12 Campus
  • Junior School
  • Middle School
  • Senior School
  • Independent
  • Anglican
For information on tuition fees, please visit our website at
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Pathways
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • Welfare
  • Chinese
  • English as a second language
  • French
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Australian Rules Football
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Golf
  • Hockey (field)
  • Netball
  • Rugby 7's
  • Rugby Union
  • Sailing
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Triathlon
  • Volleyball

St Mark’s is a leading private, independent K-12 coeducational school and a centre of excellence in teaching and learning, pastoral care, worship and service. It provides a high quality, inclusive, caring, accessible Christian education. Since it opened in 1986, St Mark’s has established a long record of supporting students to be their best selves and to contribute positively to the world.

The School’s values of Respect, Knowledge, Confidence, Responsibility and Community, together with its faith, are constants, and give the whole School community comfort, direction and moral purpose. Anglicanism underpins all aspects of life at St Mark’s. Participation in Anglican faith and worship is offered to the School community - to students, families and staff for personal exploration, study and conversation.

St Mark’s provides all students with opportunities to learn, grow and succeed through: a relevant and personally meaningful curriculum; learning in both the classroom and through external partnerships; and group activities and service-learning opportunities. The School enables every student to be who they are and to engage in pathways appropriate to them, within an environment of high care and high challenge. A school truly focused on serving its community, at St Mark’s each student and each family is supported to feel safe and to have a sense of belonging to the School community beyond their time with the School.

The Christian ethos, values, focus on wellbeing, and vibrant professional learning culture, promote a positive, collaborative and respectful work environment for the more than 200 outstanding staff who contribute to the School’s exciting, meaningful work.

St Mark’s is a private, independent and coeducational K-12 Anglican school, the foundation school of the Anglican Schools Commission, that aspires to be the leading school in Perth’s Northern corridor.

Our School is a centre of excellence in teaching and learning, pastoral care,worship, and service, providing a high quality, inclusive, caring, and accessible Christian education. Anglicanism underpins all aspects of life at St Mark’s. Discovery of our Anglican identity is offered to the School community – students, families, and staff – through exploring faith, cultivating reason, participating in worship, embracing pluralism, developing character and engaging in service.

Our community is important to us. Each student and each family is supportedto feel safe and to have a sense of belonging to the School community beyond their time as a student. Our School enables every student to be who they are and to engage in pathways appropriate to them, as they grow in an environment of high care and high challenge.

St Mark’s provides all students with opportunities to learn, grow and succeed through:

  • relevant and personally meaningful curriculum;
  • learning in both the classroom and through external partnerships; and
  • group activities and service learning opportunities to discover more about themselves and others.
Teaching and learning at St Mark’s is based on the principles of rigour and breadth of opportunities, a nurturing environment, future readiness, and excellent teaching.
The St Mark's Anglican Community School Council is committed to an ongoing building and refurbishment program to ensure that the School’s buildings and facilities are maintained to a high standard and consistently updated. This commitment has given the School the first class facilities necessary to be competitive locally and to continually grow and offer the best for our students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

St Mark’s isn’t an 8.30 – 3.25 place – we encourage students to become part of the bigger community. 

St Mark’s is committed to providing well planned and organised co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to all students throughout the year.  We strive to provide opportunities to suit a range of student interests and abilities, and to encourage students to try new pursuits.

Students can participate in both interhouse and interschool programs at Primary and at Secondary School, with opportunities in a variety of fields, including sporting, cultural and academic activities.

Quality pastoral care influences the tone of the whole School, creating a caring and nurturing environment in which young people feel safe and secure. This allows students to have a voice, feel connected, and empowered to participate in the community, knowing that they belong to something important; it makes them feel valued and encouraged in their learning, personal growth and social development. 

Five values reflect the identity of the School community. These values are underpinned by the School’s Mission Statement and Christian ethos, and are interwoven throughout all elements of School life: Respect, Knowledge, Confidence, Responsibility and Community.
St Mark's vision is to grow good people, who are lifelong learners, striving for excellence and equity in all they do.
St Mark's aims to foster growth in character and to develop a set of values and skills, by teaching and example in a Christian setting, through all aspects of School life.

St Mark’s Anglican Community School Our Admissions process embraces the diversity of our community, and we welcome all applications.

Our traditional intake years are Kindergarten (ELC), Year 2 and Year 4 (Junior School) and Year 6 (Middle School), but opportunities do arise in other year groups.

We are now inviting applications for students acros our Secondary School (Years 6 to 12).

For more information, please contact the Admissions Office on  (08) 9403 1327 or email

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St Mark's Middle School Academic Scholarships

 At St Mark's, we pride ourselves on providing an environment that encourages students to explore and flourish. Our Middle School provides students with a learning environment that enables them to experiment, discover and create. Not only will students be provided with opportunities to develop their academic skills with a robust curriculum, they will also be provided with a place to develop and nurture friendships and experience personal growth.  Year 6 is part of Middle School at St Mark's, and we provide a supportive environment as they take those first crucial steps into Secondary, with a carefully designed transition program. Discover more about our Middle School values and curriculum . As a way of encouraging excellence in education and rewarding high achievement, St Mark’s is offers a limited number of Academic Scholarships for students entering Year 6. 

Up to four scholarships are available, with partial tuition fee remission. Scholarships will be awarded for the students’ entire Secondary School career at St Mark’s, subject to ongoing review. The number of scholarships awarded each year (and the percentage of tuition fee remission) isat the discretion of the School Council.

The Scholarships are awarded on the performance of the student in the scholarship examination. Shortlisted candidates may also be interviewed prior to final selection of Scholarship recipients. 

Testing is conducted independently by Academic Assessment Services at the St Mark’s campus.

A Registration Fee of $90 is charged by Academic Assessment Services for each child sitting the examination. An additional fee of $50 will be incurred for late registrations. Your registration will be confirmed by Academic Assessment Services. The successful Scholarship recipients are automatically offered enrolment at the School. 

For any queries regarding the Academic Scholarship Program, please email or call (08) 9403 1342.

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St Mark’s Anglican Community School is the first school in Western Australia to offer a Drone Piloting course - the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot – Visual Line of Sight) -  as part of our Senior School offerings in 2019.

Through the course, St Mark’s is set to deliver a future-focused program that appeals to (and inspires) students in both General and ATAR pathways. The program is a fantastic opportunity for students to think and work in different ways and gain accreditation towards achievement of their WACE.

Successful completion of the course will provide students with a skill set to achieve a nationally recognised qualification, leading to career opportunities in an innovative and rapidly developing industry. It is exciting to be able to offer a hands-on approach to learning in an authentic and exciting STEM context.

Globally, there is a compelling need to develop transferable learning-how-to-learn capabilities in young people that enable them to thrive and contribute to ever-changing, new and challenging contexts.

St Mark’s encourage students to apply their knowledge and practical skills and processes when using technologies and other resources to create innovative solutions, independently and collaboratively, that meet current and future needs. The educational opportunities offered to students are designed to engage, excite and challenge.

St Mark’s values the development, implementation and use of technologies to enrich the curriculum and provide flexibility to its delivery, and engage students in learning. We are working to empower students to become cooperative and collaborative workers, dynamic problem-solvers, creative and critical thinkers and digitally literate citizens.

The course will run under the auspices of the St Mark’s Science Department. The announcement last year that the School was to offer the course was met with a very positive response from students, commencing with two classes this year.

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Principal's Image

St Mark’s Anglican Community School was established in and by the local community in 1986 and has grown to be a thriving learning community of approximately 1,800 students in 2021 from Kindergarten to Year 12. The School employs over 200 staff, including teachers, education assistants, music tutors and administrative, grounds and maintenance staff.

The School’s Christian ethos, Anglican identity and values promote a positive and respectful work environment and a culture which attracts and retains high quality staff by fostering professionalism, collegiality, commitment, loyalty and strong pastoral care.

At St Mark’s, there are ‘opportunities for all’. We aim to maximise opportunities for our students to build rewarding and fulfilling futures, based around the skills and competencies required to navigate the challenges of a world that is changing in its nature in this 21st century. A variety of pathways are available at and through the School, and they can be tailored to facilitate these futures for students.

The maintenance of a child-safe environment at St Mark’s is paramount, and the sense of community that pervades the School and supports our young people in their learning, growth and development is at our core.

The School's current Strategic Plan, launched early in 2021, outlines four strategic focus areas for the following five years:

  • Lifelong Learning: Our community is characterised by individual and collective commitment to lifelong learning that embraces knowledge, skills, curiosity, authenticity, connectedness and reflection.
  • Holistic Wellbeing: Our community is characterised by its support and development of the holistic wellbeing of all.
  • Rounded Character: Our community is characterised by an aim to ‘grow good people’ who are ethical, respectful, honest, empathetic, confident, capable, and concerned citizens of the world.
  • Stewardship and Sustainability: Our community is characterised by responsible management and forward-looking leadership.

Our Strategic Plan will steer a course for us in our quest for continuous school improvement. The School’s Master Plan will ensure the continued development of contemporary learning spaces for the 21st Century, set amidst attractive, open grounds that enable effective learning, the development of positive relationships between our students and a sense of belonging and connectedness.

A commitment to developing the ‘whole person’ is central to a St Mark’s education through a diverse and enriching set of learning experiences provided across all Learning Areas, and including distinctive and engaging programs in the arts, sport, outdoor education and service to the community.

St Mark’s students are encouraged to always be their best selves, and this is reflected in their compassion, acceptance and care of others, resilience, achievement in a pathway that is appropriate and relevant to them, their sense of community and global responsibility. The values of the School are central to all of this. The two great commandments, to love God and to love one’s neighbour as you love yourself, underpin the strong relationships and partnership between students, parents and staff. This ethos typifies the St Mark’s community, creating a safe and positive environment in which to work and learn.

Families who wish to explore the opportunity to secure a St Mark’s education for their children are encouraged to contact the School so that further, and more personalised, information may be provided.

We invite you to join our community to give your children the opportunity to flourish.

Mr Steven Davies, BApp Sc, GradDipEd, MEdL


Outdoor Ed Award 5

Outdoor Ed wins Award

St Mark’s Anglican Community School’s Outdoor Education program has received a significant accolade in the Western Australian Outdoor Recreation Awards, taking out top spot in the category of Innovative Program Award.

This award category is aimed at recognising organisations that demonstrate a high level of innovation in program design, participant involvement or subject matter.

St Mark’s was also a finalist in the Outstanding Contribution to Outdoor Learning category of the same awards. This category focuses on the efforts and contribution of an individual or organisation to the advancement of Outdoor Education, demonstrating a significant impact on students, participants and/or peers.

In addition, the Head of Outdoor Education, Mr Nick Irwin, was nominated in the category of Outstanding Outdoor Education Practitioner.

St Mark’s was nominated by Dr Duncan Picknoll, the senior lecturer and coordinator of the Bachelor of Outdoor Education program at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.

Dr Picknoll said that the School’s Outdoor Education program stood out in a number of ways, with the development of cross-curricular learning opportunities being a key factor in its success in the Awards.

‘To date, not many schools are integrating Outdoor Education with other learning areas, but the St Mark’s approach is one of the best ways to meet the criteria for the subject, as outlined by the Australian Curriculum,’ Dr Picknoll said.

Examples of cross-curricular activities in the St Mark’s Outdoor Education program include:

  • Year 9 students constructing their own wooden canoes/kayaks building on knowledge developed in Design & Technology lessons.
  • Working with the Home Economics Department to develop recipes and food preparation suited to challenges presented during the Outdoor Adventure Expeditions, such as dehydrating food.
  • Creating augmented reality sandboxes to assist student understanding of terrain, by transforming 2D maps to 3D terrain modelling.
  • In the Year 9 and 10 programs, Science-based learning, such as biotic sampling, is also included in the expeditions
  • Humanities and Social Sciences links sees intercultural learning embedded in the program, with Indigenous guest speakers joining students on the Year 10 expedition to talk about the connection to land, management of natural resources and identifying bush tucker.
  • The Year 9 students have built wooden picnic tables as part of the “Community” component of the course, which are now used by all students around the School’s campus.

At St Mark’s, the Outdoor Education program is delivered to all students from Years 6 to 10, and is also available as a WACE General course for students in Year 11 and 12.

If you would like to find out more about the Outdoor Education Program at St Mark's, please email

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St Mark's Anglican Community School - Hillarys WA

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