Dear Parents and Caregivers
We, the St Mary’s Toukley school community, would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your family.
The primary school years are an exciting time in your child’s life. During this most significant period of your child’s development, we strive to foster their love of learning, social and emotional growth and self-confidence within an authentic, caring Catholic community.
St Mary’s is a welcoming, inclusive school community where high expectations of learning and behaviour are fundamental. Our dedicated, professional staff provide an outstanding Catholic Education. Teachers are deeply committed to knowing and caring for the individual needs of each child. Our teachers work collaboratively with each other to continue their own learning and to improve learning outcomes for all of our students. Our children experience and celebrate success, are supported in their learning and are nourished in their faith development.
Our school operates as a Professional Learning Community. We have a relentless focus on the learning of all students in our care. We value the Shared Wisdom Principles and realise that it is our collective effort that allows learning to flourish within our school’s culture of continuous improvement.
Our school is blessed to be in close proximity to our parish church. We aim to provide your child with many opportunities to experience Christ in their lives, through Religious Education lessons in the classroom and participation in regular Masses and Liturgies. Our parish is led by our Parish Priests Father Tomy and Father Baby.
Parents are the first educators and role models in their child’s lives. A partnership with families is crucial and we always seek to walk alongside you on your child’s journey through primary education. Together, we will ensure that every child has a positive and fulfilling school experience. I encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s school life and to participate in school and parish activities.
When you walk into our school, we hope you feel a sense of community and belonging. This is important to us. Our school is where faith, love, understanding, trust and compassion live and our community focus prevails.
We hope St Mary’s will be a place of authentic, meaningful connections and happy moments for your child as we walk with them through their precious school years. If you would like to learn more about St Mary’s, I invite you to contact our School Office at 4396 5100 and make an appointment for a school tour.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Kind regards,
Emma Sellars
(as voted by site visitors)