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A Catholic co-educational secondary school (Years 7 – 12) that aims to provide a contemporary and relevant Catholic education to girls and boys.
Dalton Road Campus
400 Dalton Road
Melbourne North
03 9409 8800
Junior Campus - 400 Dalton Road, Epping
Senior Campus - 16 Davisson Street, Epping

Enrolment Spaces available

Other Campus Locations
Junior Campus
400 Dalton Road, Epping
Senior Campus
16 Davisson Street, Epping
St Stephens Gaudete Campus
71 Whitelaw Street, Reservoir
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Pray and Persevere

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Grades 4-6 Primary School Informations Evening and College Tour
Wed Apr 02 @ 5:00PM - 07:00PM [49 Days to go]

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A School of Educational Enterprise
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Mr Brian Hanley OAM
  • Secondary School
  • Multiple School Locations
  • Catholic
Years 7-12
Contact School
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Discipline
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Pathways
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Special Needs
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • Welfare
  • French
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Australian Rules Football
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Golf
  • Netball
  • Rugby League
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball

St Monica’s College, Epping is committed to providing every student the opportunity to be their best so that they go forward to make their mark on the world. We do this by providing quality pedagogy that is dynamic and constantly evolving, supported by teachers who are committed to their students, all supported by quality, modern infrastructure.

Our students make their mark at all levels of society from medical to law, politics to education, commerce to trades. Our alumni include medical researchers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, property developers, real estate moguls, senior teachers and leaders in commerce.

We aim to ensure our students can reach their potential whilst instilling Monican values in how they live their lives and make their mark in business. Students are encouraged to live their dreams and understand the impact of their actions so that they can make decisions in life that can have a positive effect on others.

At St Monica’s College, Epping every student is supported to be the best they can and realise there are no limits to what they can achieve in life. Monicans can and do impact the world around them. They know what it means to BE MONICAN.

St Monica's College, Epping caters for all students' learning needs. One of the programs the College provides is the accelerated program - HORIZONS

The aims of this program are to:

  • Cater to students who are highly able in their learning meets their legitimate educational needs.
  • Attempt to maximise highly able students through advanced and intensive learning practices.
  • Establish a structured learning environment that allows highly able students to work with others of similar abilities at an accelerated pace.

HORIZONS students complete Years 7 to 10 in three years and may commence VCE on year early. This creates a myraid of options for students to consider in order to maximise their performance in Year 12.


The Speical Needs program offered at the College is entiled - Arrunga.

The Arrunga Inclusion Program focuses on the achievement of positive academic, social and emotional outcomes for each student to maximise access to further education and employment success. Many students with Autism Spectrum Disorder find the secondary school environment confusing and difficult to navigate. Research has demonstrated that without sufficient support, these students are often left feeling isolated. Another role of the Arrunga Inclusion Program is to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorders within the school community. The program aims to reflect our Strategic Plan which vows to ‘leave no child behind’ and to foster an environment where students’ differences are accepted and individual talents are appreciated and developed. The program is staffed with specialist teachers and experienced Learning Support Officers.


St Monica's College, Epping is located in close proximity to Epping Railway Station. 

From humble beginnings in 1964 our College now enrols over 1900 students and is located on two modern, well-equipped city campuses in Melbourne’s northern suburbs along with Ostia, our country campus in the tranquil valley of Strath Creek.

Our College is a Catholic co-educational secondary school (Years 7 – 12), serving the priority parish of Reservoir North as well as the parishes of Epping, Thomastown West, Lalor, Mill Park, Reservoir, East Reservoir and East Preston. Applications are received from other parishes too.

It is always our intention to provide a contemporary and relevant Catholic education to our girls and boys. We seek to develop and nurture the formation of the whole person and we do this by remaining faithful to our Mission Statement.

We treasure our cultural diversity, our shared understanding of community, our vision for the future and our adherence to the College motto ‘Pray and Persevere’.

In the person of St Monica (332 AD – 387 AD) we find a rich source of inspiration and determination to succeed.

Please contact the College if you wish to receive further information about a Monican education.

Brian E. Hanley B.A., Dip. Ed., Grad. Dip. Ed. Admin., M. Ed., MACE, FACEL
College Principal

Annual Production
Dance Showcase
STEM Building
The Wetlands
Basketball Academy
Pray and Persevere
Athletics Track
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