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St Rita's College, Clayfield QLD

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St Rita's College, Clayfield QLD
An independent Catholic day school for Years 5—12, established by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1926.
41 Enderley Rd
Brisbane North
07 3862 1615

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Mrs Maree Trims
  • Primary - Year 12 School
  • Single School Location
  • Primary Campus
  • Secondary Campus
  • Catholic
Years 5 - 12
Gifted & Talented Program
  • Academic Achievement
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community
  • Creative Arts
  • Culture / Tradition
  • Discipline
  • Educational Support
  • Employment Pathways
  • Faith / Religion
  • Gifted and Talented
  • Information Technology
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Numeracy / Literacy
  • Pastoral Care / Guidance
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal Values
  • Resources / Facilites
  • Robotics
  • Science/Technology
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Special Needs
  • Sport
  • Tertiary Pathways
  • Visual Art
  • Welfare
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Athletics (Track & Field)
  • Australian Rules Football
  • Basketball
  • Chess
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country Running
  • Debating
  • Football (Soccer)
  • Hockey (field)
  • Netball
  • Rugby League
  • Rugby 7's
  • Rugby Union
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Volleyball
  • Water Polo

St Rita’s College is a school where minds are opened, dreams are imagined and the Presentation traditions of compassion, hospitality and simplicity establish foundations for the future. It is a place where character is formed, conscience is followed and girls with attentive hearts become women of action.

It is a school where minds are opened, dreamsIt is a school where minds are opened, dreams are imagined and the Presentation traditions of compassion, hospitality, and simplicity establish foundations for the future. It is a place where students develop a sense of purpose that motivates them to lead a life dedicated to service - service to the College, to each other, and to the wider community.

We have high expectations of our passionate and supporting teachers, dedicated support staff and our 1230 students. We demonstrate, through action and words, the transformative power of education by nurturing high standards of spiritual, physical, emotional, and social growth to foster the development of the whole person.
At St Rita’s, your daughter will experience a modern. At St Rita’s, your daughter will experience a modern school with a rich tradition in academic and sporting excellence, cultural diversity and an unfailing commitment to social justice. The College is a place where change is embraced, expectations are high, and lessons last long beyond the classroom.
The curriculum framework at St Rita’s is underpinned by the values of a Catholic school in the Presentation tradition and embeds Catholic Social Teaching into all subjects across all Year levels. A clear focus is maintained on continually reviewing and revising our curriculum so that it addresses the most relevant, proven innovations in the constantly changing world of education and continues to cater for broad learning abilities through pedagogy and support programs in the aim for each girl to achieve her personal best.

One of the greatest strengths of the St Rita’s classroom practice is the commitment of our dedicated staff to work in partnership with parents and guardians in enabling our students to achieve to the best of their ability. It is only by working together that we can deliver a quality, satisfying and enjoyable curriculum that empowers and invigorates young women to leave our College with positive mental habits and excellent preparation for further learning and employment.
Impressive modern, state of the art learning facilities are provided at St Rita’s College. The Trinity Centre is the College's latest addition to its outstanding facilities. The innovative new learning precinct bolsters the academic, arts and communal experience for students. The Nano Nagle Centre, housing the Library and the Sr Elvera Science Centre, affords our students flexible learning spaces, integrated technologies and the most up to date of resources the girls need to be inquiring and successful learners.

An abundance of specialist learning areas and general teaching classrooms fulfill the learning mainstays of english, mathematics, science, history, economics and information technology, with the popular learning areas of languages, music and the arts, home economics and film and television equally well-resourced.

We are proud of the sporting facilities for an inner-suburban school. These include the Acqua Rosa Centre with its 25m heated pool; three hard courts providing for tennis, basketball, netball and volleyball; a covered court in the Sr Assumpta O’Flynn Pavillion for all-weather multi-purpose uses; and the Eirene Centre which is a multi-purpose hall and gymnasium.

The Trinity Centre provides exceptional learning spaces for a range of subjects, and is home to the performing arts and film, television and new media programs. The 400-seat auditorium, equipped with the latest in audio-visual technology, offers our students a state-of-the-art venue for drama, musical theatre, ensemble, band and solo performance, as well as guest speakers and lectures, staff and student meetings. The Centre boasts a grand foyer as its entrance, honouring our Prix d’Honneurs, Duxes and College Captains across the years and provides a generous gallery and function space where student art can be showcased in both permanent and temporary exhibits.

The Eirene Centre, accommodating over 1300 people, is the traditional space used for liturgies, assemblies and significant school events. Ballygriffin, on the top level of the Nano Nagle Centre, provides for large staff meetings and, boasting magnificent views to the North and East, is a popular setting for community functions and gatherings.

The College Chapel sits atop Hogan Place – a large green on which students gather for outdoor House, Year level and community activities, as well as at lunchtimes.


  • Athletics
  • Cross Country
  • Swimming
  • Netball
  • AFL
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Volleyball
  • Water Polo


Speech and Communication


Theatre Sports


St Rita’s has an established reputation as a safe and welcoming school community that nurtures its students to be intelligent, confident and caring young people. At the heart of our support network is a pastoral care framework that encourages partnership between students, staff and parents/guardians to better our student experience of a sense of purpose and belonging and boost communication between students and staff.

Our supportive staff takes a professional and personable approach to the social and emotional wellbeing of our students. St Rita’s is a school where the individual is nurtured and obstacles are overcome together.

Central to the success of our pastoral care program is a vertical House structure to enable each student to be recognised as an integral part of the College community. Our House system is the hallmark of the personal formation of our girls and a central component of daily, cocurricular and general activity life at St Rita’s. Our eight Houses celebrate, encourage, support and nurture each individual to do and be their best. Each House also provides opportunities to look beyond self, supporting a Presentation Ministry and a well-being initiative.

Each House has a staff member appointed as Head of House who is responsible for the monitoring of the spiritual, academic and social wellbeing of each student. Our Houses bring together students from each Year level and students build friendships across the Year levels, cultivating a considerate and sharing school community. There are six House Groups within each House, each supported by a House Group Teacher, and students remain with their House Group throughout their time at St Rita’s.

A longstanding tradition at St Rita’s is the ‘Big Sister/Little Sister’ program which pairs each incoming Year 7 student with a Year 12 student. This unique program provides a point of communication and orientation for each young Year 7 girl from late Term 4 the year before commencement at St Rita’s right through to first day and beyond and facilitates the settling in of our new students to their new learning environment and routines with greater comfort and ease. Daughters of Past Students are generally allocated to the same House of their mother, if known. Siblings are also placed in the same House unless otherwise requested.

Our six pillars, which are drawn from our Presentation charism and the life of St Rita, underpin all we do:

As a dynamic Catholic faith community, our vision is to:

Embody and promote leadership as service, growing from critical reflection and leading to action for justice.

Challenge and support each member of our community in an environment of collaboration and respect.

Nurture and educate, in partnership with families, young, articulate women of integrity who are increasingly independent, discerning, creative and resilient.
St Rita’s College follows the mission of Jesus as lived by the founder of the Presentation Sisters, Venerable Nano Nagle. Our community seeks to inspire engaging, inquisitive and passionate learning, leading to action for a just world.

St Rita’s College is situated in the Brisbane suburb of Clayfield, which is approximately 15 minutes from the CBD.  The College is close to bus and rail public transport.


41 Enderley Road, Clayfield, Queensland, 4011



The Brisbane City Council bus route of 300 services Alexandra Road, an approximate 100 metre safe walking distance from the College.  Multiple Brisbane City Council bus routes from both the city and northern suburb directions service Sandgate Road. Sandgate Road is a safe 250 metre walk through suburban streets to St Rita’s.

Red and White Coaches (Coach Australia Pty Ltd) transport students from St Rita’s, St Margaret’s, Clayfield College and Mary MacKillop College and operate school runs to and from the northern suburbs of Brisbane.  Please refer to their website for school bus routes or email or phone 3269 6466.

Hornibrook Buslines run the 999A/315 and 999B/315 services from Kippa Ring to St Rita’s and other surrounding schools and a service to connect with the train from Sandgate. 3284 1622 or


Hendra and Clayfield rail stations are both approximately 800 metres from the College.

Visit Translink or phone 13 12 30 to find the most convenient public transport options that are closest to your home.

Nano Nagle was the founder of the Presentation Sisters, whose courage and hope in providing education to the poor children of the City of Cork was unfailing during the Penal Laws era of the eighteenth century. Along with that of St Rita of Cascia after whom St Rita’s College is named, Nano Nagle’s mission and vision for the education of women and girls continues to provide guidance to the St Rita’s College community. 

The St Rita's College Scholarship Program awards scholarships and bursaries to young women who excel, or have the potential to excel, in academic, music or sporting disciplines. Specifically, the program exists to enable young women from families of limited or no financial means to attend the College and experience the benefits of a St Rita’s College education.

The Scholarship program of the College is a means-tested application-based program and applicants are required to sit the independent ACER scholarship test.

The College Principal and Scholarship and Bursary Management Committee has stewardship over disbursements made for the purpose of the Nano Nagle Bursary program.

For full information, please visit the College website:

ScholarshipStRItasCollege 1136ALowRes 

If you are interested in employment opportunities at our school please visit the following page:

Welcome to St Rita’s College, an independent Catholic school for girls and young women from Years 5-12, established by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1926. St Rita’s College is a Ministry of Mercy Partners.

As College Principal, I am deeply connected to our Presentation tradition, ensuring the foundational pillars of compassion, hospitality and simplicity remain at the forefront of a Presentation education. By embracing the life of St Rita as a source of inspiration, our students are empowered by the pillars of courage, justice and hope, as they develop a profound sense of purpose that motivates them to lead a life dedicated to service - service to the College, to each other and to the wider community.

Our students are supported to develop a passion for learning, are empowered to understand the complexities of the world, and become faith-filled, courageous, creative, respectful and ethical women of action, prepared to make their mark on our school community and the world.

Our passionate, supportive and creative teachers deliver a curriculum that is engaging, challenging and contemporary and that fosters the development of the whole person. This is further supported by our extraordinary support staff, working to ensure our students have the resources, guidance and encouragement needed for a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.

I value fostering connections with our parents and alumnae, recognising each group as significant contributors to the St Rita's College community. We actively engage these key contributors through collaborative initiatives, ensuring a supportive network that enriches the educational journey for all and further develops connections to our College community.

Virtute non Verbis, Action not Words, is our college motto and is lived out by all members of the College community through our social justice programs, a cornerstone of a Presentation education. These undertakings provide opportunities for students and staff to work together, providing outreach in our local and international community, as they experience first-hand the difference between charity and justice.

Through our comprehensive cocurricular program, our students are able to explore and develop their interests and talents in sport, culture and academic pursuits. I firmly believe that the well-being of our students is pivotal to their academic achievements, and this is enhanced through participation in our cocurricular opportunities, enabling students to cultivate a well-rounded education, bolstering confidence and resilience.

I warmly invite you to visit our College to see our exceptional facilities and learning spaces and take part in a personalised tour.

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St Rita's College, Clayfield QLD

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