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Schools Guide Help Desk and Forum
  1. Jess
  2. Schools Guide Website
  3. Tuesday, 20 March 2018
  4.  Subscribe via email
For an important school project: How do you determine what a 'Melbourne metro' school is, what distance is that and where is it measured from?
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
Thanks for your question. Generally our geographical regions have been determined by a process of natural selection by the schools themselves when they select which region they wish to be listed under. Our regions are general locations with loosely defined edges. There are no fixed boundaries and there is no specific distance measurement that defines a given region on this site or within our Schools Guide publications, although you can safely say that Melbourne Metro would have a starting point in the Melbourne CBD. If a school feels its location should see it listed under Melbourne Metro region rather than say Melbourne North region then it selects that region when it updates its profile. This process has naturally defined the various regions on this site. You may find other sites and sources have a different definition of what constitutes 'Melbourne Metro'. In some cases our staff have selected a region on behalf of a school based on where they are located in relation to other schools that have already specified a region. On this site, if a school feels they are listed in a region that is not accurate it can simply login and choose another region or email our friendly staff and we'll make the adjustment. Hope that helps.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Schools Guide Website
  3. # 1
Jess Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you!!
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Schools Guide Website
  3. # 2
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