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  1. Sam
  2. General Schooling Information
  3. Tuesday, 09 February 2021
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Hi all

I have just started to research and explore private school options, seemingly perhaps a little late in the game but it only recently became feasible from a personal perspective.

I have a 10 year old boy who just started year 5 and an 8 year old girl just starting year 4.

Ideally I would like to limit the travel distance for us so in and around the Inner West would be ideal.

Question 1, how do I use the site to quickly rule out the schools significantly over budget (Trinity Grammar etc).

Question 2, how have people got on with 2 children at different schools, I think I would prefer co-ed but they have very different interests (ballet and performing arts vs creative arts in particular for my daughter) and abilities so it might well be best for each to attend different schools
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Schools Guide Admin Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Schools Guide Admin
Hi and thanks for your great questions.

A.1 Unfortunately this site doesn't have a filter that would easily eliminate only the more expensive schools. Many schools choose not to display their fees and there are often wide variations in fees between Prep and the various Year levels. There can also be different fees for International students and Boarding and sometimes extra costs that are not listed as 'fees'. All these things make it virtually impossible to have a simple filter that would exclude certain schools from a quick search based on fee structure.

Your best option would be to use the filter button near the top of any list of schools to find the schools that best match your needs. Then once you've narrowed it down to a few candidates visit each school's website to see if their fee structure is affordable for you.

A.2 It is very common for parents to send siblings to different schools, particularly when one or more child is of Primary age and the other is Secondary age. It is also common where a parent has chosen single gender schools (boys-only or girls-only). Some parents might choose to send all siblings to the same school for convenience but choosing the perfect school for each child is a very important decision and convenience may not be the most important factor. If each child has very different interests/needs then choosing a different school for each can be a good option. If a co-educational school is important to you then it is likely you will be able to find a single school that meets the needs of both children. There are vastly more co-ed schools to choose from than single gender schools. Another point to consider is that entry into a private school is sometimes limited by the places available. Sibling discounts are available at many schools (which might be critical where budget is concerned) and there may be enrolment advantages where a school has limited places available if multiple siblings are likely to enrol at the same school.

Hope this helps.
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