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Perth Private Schools

helpdeskFind information on private schools throughout Perth, Western Australia.

Featured Schools below are listed in order of most recently updated

This list contains 179 results

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School Profile
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School
Town or Suburb Mindarie
Religion Anglican
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-12
Brighton Catholic Primary School
Town or Suburb Butler
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-6
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Student Enrolments 455
Aranmore Catholic College
Town or Suburb Leederville
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Years 7 - 12
Student Enrolments 720
St Norbert College
Town or Suburb Queens Park
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 7 - 12
Gifted and Talented Program Gifted & Talented Program
Additional Needs Program
Australian Christian College, Darling Downs WA
Town or Suburb Brookdale
Religion non-denominational Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-6
Town or Suburb Oakleigh
Main Gender Boys, girls, co-ed Boys/Girls/Co-ed
Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Town or Suburb Joondalup
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre Kindergarten - Year 12
Christ Church Grammar School
Town or Suburb Claremont
Religion Anglican
Main Gender BoysBoys
Year Levels Pre-Prep - 12
BoardingBoarding Available
Beehive Montessori School - Mosman Park
Town or Suburb Mosman Park
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels 3 years - 14 years
Court Grammar School
Town or Suburb Mundijong
Religion Anglican
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 3-12
Al-Hidayah Islamic School
Town or Suburb Bentley
Religion Islamic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Pre-Primary - Year 6
Aquinas College
Town or Suburb Salter Point
Religion Catholic
Main Gender BoysBoys
Year Levels 4-12 (Boarding Yrs 7-12)
Aranmore Catholic Primary School
Town or Suburb LEEDERVILLE
Religion Catholic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-6
ASC Language School
Town or Suburb Perth
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels Year 5 - 12
Australian Islamic College
Town or Suburb Thornlie
Religion Islamic
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K - Year 6
Banksia Montessori School
Town or Suburb Dianella
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels 3yr-6yr olds
Beechboro Christian School - Beechboro
Town or Suburb Bennett Springs
Religion Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-6
Bible Baptist Christian Academy - Mount Helena
Town or Suburb Mount Helena
Religion Baptist Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-12
Brookdale Adventist School
Town or Suburb Brookdale
Religion Adventist Christian
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels R-6
Byford John Calvin School
Town or Suburb Byford
Religion Non Denominational
Main Gender Co-edCo-ed
Year Levels K-Primary

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