Open Days and school tours for Private schools throughout Australia.
9:00 Morning Tea with the Principal :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by ST MONICA'S COLLEGE, Epping, VIC
Secondary School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Shire Christian School - Barden Ridge NSW
Cameragal Montessori School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Cameragal Montessori School, North Sydney NSW
9:30 - 11:00
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner Preschool :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, Middle Cove NSW
9:30 - 10:45
Sacred Heart - Open Day :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School - Pymble NSW
Junior School Tour :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Shire Christian School - Barden Ridge NSW
5:00 - 8:30 Year 7 2019 Information Evening :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by ST FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE
7:00 - 9:00
John Colet School Information Evening :: NSW Open Days/ School Tours by John Colet School - Belrose NSW