Open Days and school tours for Private schools throughout Australia.
Loyola College - School Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by LOYOLA COLLEGE, WATSONIA VIC
Discover Toorak :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Toorak College, Mount Eliza VIC
1:45 - 3:00
Nunawading Christian College - Step Into Prep Program :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, VIC
Peninsula Grammar - Discovering Me Information Night (Kinder Years) :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Peninsula Grammar
9:00 - 10:30
OLMC - Morning Tour :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Our Lady of Mercy College, Heidelberg VIC
10:00 - 2:00
Camberwell Grammar - Open Day :: VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Camberwell Grammar School, Canterbury VIC