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Private School Open Days and School Tours

Open Days and school tours for Private schools throughout Australia.

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20 October 2024 - 26 October 2024
20 October 2024 - 26 October 2024

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 9.04.03 am.png NORTHHOLM GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Open Day   ::  Sydney North by Northholm Grammar School - Arcadia NSW

9:15 - 11:00  PLC PERTH - Junior School Principal's Tour   ::  Perth West by PLC Perth

10:00 - 12:00  thumb_65cd7786017d10.92911023.png INABURRA SCHOOL - Meet the Principal   ::  Sydney South by Inaburra School, Bangor NSW

11:00  Kids-in-the-trees-2_220614_121505.gif GERMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL - Group Tour (Secondary School)   ::  Sydney North by German International School Sydney - Terrey Hills NSW

3:30 -  5:30  Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 8.40.02 AM.png ST RITA'S COLLEGE - College Tour   ::  Brisbane North by St Rita's College, Clayfield QLD

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 10.59.06 am.png BRISBANE ADVENTIST COLLEGE - Open Day   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Brisbane Adventist College Mansfield QLD

9:00 - 10:00  Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 11.41.34 am.png EMMAUS COLLEGE - School Tour   ::  Melbourne East by Emmaus College, Vermont South VIC

9:00 - 10:45  Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 10.22.03 am.png TRINITY LUTHERAN COLLEGE - Senior School Tour   ::  Qld Open Days/ School Tours by Trinity Lutheran College Ashmore Qld

9:00 - 11:00  webiste-cracking-external-2.jpg The Southport School - Prep Walking Tours   ::  Gold Coast by THE SOUTHPORT SCHOOL (TSS) - Southport QLD

9:15  FGS06874.gif FINTONA GIRLS' SCHOOL - First Step Tour (ELC - 12)   ::  Melbourne Metro by Fintona Girls' School Balwyn Vic

9:30 - 10:30  Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 11.48.45 AM.png ST HILDA'S ANGLICAN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS - Senior School Mini Group Tour (Year 7 2026 & 2027)   ::  Perth West by St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls, Mosman Park WA

9:30  MAPS-StJohns17411.gif ST JOHN'S COLLEGE - Secondary School Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by St John's College - Preston VIC

9:30 - 10:30  Screen Shot 2023-11-21 at 12.46.10 pm.png TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Prep OPEN DAY   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill and Strathfield NSW

4:00 -  6:00  thumb_66038ee19e1c35.08162418.gif FAITH LUTHERAN COLLEGE - Twilight Tour   ::  Ipswich & Brisbane South-West by Faith Lutheran College, Plainland QLD

9:00 - 10:00  St-Luke's-Marketing-May-2023-3.gif ST LUKE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Bayview Junior School Tour   ::  Sydney North by St Luke's Grammar School, Dee Why NSW

9:00 - 10:00  aaaaaa.png Whole School Tour   ::  Gold Coast by St Hilda's School - Southport QLD

3:30 -  5:00  Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.41.30 am.png THE LAKES COLLEGE - Twilight Open   ::  Brisbane North by THE LAKES COLLEGE, NORTH LAKES QLD

4:00 -  5:00  Loreto-Normanhurst-Marketing-2024-46.gif LORETO NORMANHURST - Combined Primary & Secondary Campus Tour   ::  Sydney North by Loreto Normanhurst - Normanhurst NSW

4:30  Enriching (Medium).png TRINITY COLLEGE -Information Session & College Tour   ::  Brisbane South by TRINITY COLLEGE BEENLEIGH QLD

9:00 - 10:30  LAS_SeniorSchool_Curriculumn.gif LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Principal's Tour (Senior School)   ::  Gold Coast by Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Terranora, NSW

9:00  Wesley-Middle-and-Senior-School-tours.gif WESLEY COLLEGE - Elsternwick Campus Tour (ELC - Year 9)   ::  Melbourne Metro by Wesley College Melbourne

9:15  BGSWebPages_PrincipalBannerSML_080224_186x132_acf_cropped-2.gif BALCOMBE GRAMMAR SCHOOL - College Tour   ::  Melbourne South & Mornington by BALCOMBE GRAMMAR SCHOOL - MORNINGTON PENINSULA VICTORIA

9:15  Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 9.28.53 am.png SIMONDS CATHOLIC COLLEGE - Talk & Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Simonds Catholic College, West Melbourne VIC

9:15  Screen Shot 2023-11-21 at 12.57.03 pm.png TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Middle and Senior School OPEN DAY   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill and Strathfield NSW

9:30 - 11:00  IMG_2403.jpeg DANEBANK - Open Morning    ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Danebank, Anglican School For Girls - Hurstville NSW

10:00  230511_GBlue_Z9_2650_Sml.jpeg THE SCOTS COLLEGE - Information Morning (Whole School)   ::  Sydney Central & East by The Scots College, Bellevue Hill NSW

3:30 -  5:30  A01I3860-1200x1200.gif THE GLENNIE SCHOOL - Open Day   ::  Toowoomba by Glennie School, The, Toowoomba Qld

4:00 -  5:00  Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 11.41.21 am.png MARYMEDE CATHOLIC COLLEGE - College Tour   ::  VIC Open Days/ School Tours by Marymede Catholic College, Morang VIC

4:30  Screenshot-2024-09-03-at-9.10.59 AM.gif LOURDES HILL COLLEGE - Middle & Senior School Twilight Tour   ::  Brisbane Central & Inner by Lourdes Hill College, Hawthorne QLD

5:00 -  7:30  Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 11.27.20 AM.png TINTERN GRAMMAR - Twilight Tour   ::  Melbourne East by Tintern Grammar - Ringwood East VIC

6:00 -  8:00  Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 2.07.37 PM.png LAKES GRAMMAR - Try @ Twilight   ::  Central Coast NSW by Lakes Grammar - Warnervale NSW

9:00 - 10:30  Student-Life-img.jpg LORETO COLLEGE - School Tour   ::  Brisbane Central & Inner by Loreto College Coorparoo QLD

9:00  Screenshot-2024-10-08-at-1.13.53 PM.gif MERCY COLLEGE - School Tour   ::  Melbourne North by MERCY COLLEGE, COBURG VIC

9:00  Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 10.42.18 AM.png PETER CARNLEY ANGLICAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL - School Tour (2-12)   ::  Perth South by Peter Carnley Anglican Community School - Wellard WA

11:30 -  3:00  StHildaLunch.png St Hilda's Foundation Business Luncheon   ::  Gold Coast by St Hilda's School - Southport QLD

4:00  Screenshot-2024-09-03-at-9.15.51 AM.gif LOURDES HILL COLLEGE - Junior School Tour   ::  Brisbane Central & Inner by Lourdes Hill College, Hawthorne QLD

9:00 - 10:30  Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 10.30.58 AM.png TOOWOOMBA GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Prep Come & Play   ::  Toowoomba by TOOWOOMBA GRAMMAR SCHOOL - TOOWOOMBA QLD

9:15  Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 9.59.20 am.png ST LEONARD'S COLLEGE - College Tour   ::  Melbourne Metro by St Leonard's College

10:00  Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 10.49.43 am.png LUMEN CHRISTI COLLEGE - College Tour   ::  Perth East by Lumen Christi College - Martin WA

10:00  Screen Shot 2023-11-21 at 12.57.03 pm.png TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Middle and Senior School OPEN DAY   ::  NSW Open Days/ School Tours by Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill and Strathfield NSW

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