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They are the two Gold Coast inventions that could win a big youth Science prize – and save lives.

Since 1981 the BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards have been Australia's most prestigious school Science awards. They reward young people who have used technological innovation to design a new invention or who have undertaken practical research projects that demonstrate innovative approaches and thorough scientific procedures.


Students projects from across the country compete to become a national finalist in this elite competition. A total of 26 finalists have been selected from across Australia.

Marymount college students Lachlan Zidar and Jared Crowley are both 2018 finalists.

Lachlan 14, said his invention ‘A laser pool alarm system’ could hopefully save children from drowning. The laser sits above the pool line and when it is broken an audio and visual alarm is set off.

Year Nine student Jared Crowley said that he was inspired to build an automated flood warning device after his home flooded last year during cyclone Debbie. The device sends a text message to the person’s phone when the float switch is tripped. Jared worked on this device for over two months and all coding on the device was done from scratch.

The students have both recently been media celebrities with an article written about them in the Gold Coast Bulletin, interviews with ABC Radio, and appearing on Channel 9 News. They have shown the high calibre of the Marymount College Science students with their inventive and creative thinking being encouraged, nurtured and then presented at the College’s Annual Science night.

Marymount College Science Department is innovating and inspires students with a big  Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) influence. Students are offered opportunities not only within the College but also in a large array of local and state competitions where they are a force to be reckoned with. The Science cohorts are led by Mrs Kristina Baker & Mr Christopher Murphy as Heads of Department in collaboration with a tremendous team of Science teachers who lead to achieve great things and provide a new perspective on the wonders of Science, where the sky is not the limit.

Lachlan & Jared have both received an invitation to attend the 2018 BHP Billiton Foundation Science and Engineering Awards Camp and the Awards Presentation event (to present their projects to a select panel for judging).

We wish Lachlan and Jared the greatest of success! Winners will be announced on the 6th February.

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