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School News

John Colet School versed the Alexander School in the Year 6 Forest Inter-schools debating finals this term.  Alexander School had won the previous two years, so they were formidable opponents. The adjudicators commented that the standard of debating from both teams was on a par with high school teams, rather than primary.

The topic was "If you see someone breaking the law, you should tell."   John Colet had the negative, which the judges said was a difficult case to argue, but the team's use of of global examples of petty laws, and the argument that draconian policing increases fear in society, were good ones.   

After a nailbiting battle of wits and words, John Colet School was judged the close winner!

Well done to all the debaters throughout the inter school debating season. Thanks also to Mrs Crewe, our gifted and talented coordinator, for her coaching.


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