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STCC students in Japan

Each year in conjunction with Lexis English College, St Teresa’s students welcome a group of Japanese students from Otemon High School in Osaka and spend a day at school learning about each other’s country, culture and language. Students often end the day exchanging social media contacts with a promise to ‘stay in touch’.

In 2018, a group of our Year 12 students did just that, and following graduation, celebrated the end of their schooling with a two-week holiday to Japan. As part of their trip they visited Osaka where their STCC buddies showed them around their wonderful city and gave them a true insight into Japanese culture. Despite studying senior French, and not Japanese, our students soon found that the skills they had acquired through the course of their language study helped them enormously when picking up a new language.

What an amazing experience! Let’s hope they continue to stay in touch.

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