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School News

Our 6th class 'buddies' celebrated the end of Book Week recently by making book marks with their Lower First (kindy) buddies.  This was done as part of their regular Friday afternoon buddy session.

Our 6th class leadership positions include the role of Buddy Monitor and each term two senior students have the opportunity to plan activities and games and set them up for the Lower First buddies and the other 6th class students.  The activities are supervised by teachers, but all the senior students love the opportunity to spend time with our youngest students, whether it be playing Duck Duck Goose, reading activities, craft stations or tabloid sports.


The school benefits from this close relationship between our youngest and oldest students through the wonderful atmosphere that develops and the close friendships and care bonds between the age groups.  It makes special whole school celebrations such as Book Week and sports galas that much more enjoyable for all students.




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