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One the benefits of attending Stuartholme School is that the students never have to look far for inspiration – it is everywhere. From the stories of the original Sisters who opened the School, to the life of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat who declared that “the Society was founded to go the ends of the earth; we have no boundary other than the horizon”.


For Year 11 student Jane McDonald, her aspiration is to follow a path of Medicine and then specialise in neurosurgery.

Jane has been accepted into a programme at Cambridge University called Oxbridge. Over the June/July holidays Jane will travel to England where she will study a major in Medical Science and a minor in Medicine of the Brain.

“The brain really interests me, there’s so much undiscovered and unknown about the brain, I think it would be really fulfilling to be able to discover something to benefit people in the long-run” Jane said.

For Tia Scott, Year 11, her dream is to be the CEO of a multi-national company.

“I’m really enjoying the business subjects I’m studying,” Tia said.

“My Business Management class is preparing me for the real world and the assignments and curriculum are relevant to what I want to do in the future.”

Her passion for helping people is what lead Year 11 student, Saishnee Moodley to look at a career in Occupational Therapy.

“I want to help rehabilitate people after they’ve been through traumatic experiences or accidents and get them back on their feet,” Saishnee said.

“I also participate in the Yeronga tutoring programme that’s offered here at Stuartholme, where a small group of girls help the children at Yeronga State School with their homework.

“I enjoy helping them understand things and use technology, it’s a really good experience.”

The girls are featured in the latest ‘What our girls say’ video series which can be viewed on the Stuartholme website.

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